In my talk "Forgiveness Has Layers" I shared how anger and un-forgiveness was consuming me when I thought of the men who had raped my daughter. Only with God was I able to get...
Posted by Kim Chaffin on 04/06/2016
This fun interactive teaching will engage your women as we discuss putting on the whole armor of God. Warning, laughter may occur. This is perfect for a weekend getaway or as...
Is there something in your life that you’ve been trying to control, but you can’t? No matter how hard we try to protect what we love, fix what’s broken or try to...
Do you need an attitude adjustment? Cherrilynn did.She woke up one morning and did not want to get out of bed. Sound familiar?After wrestling in prayer she opened her bible and...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 04/01/2016
Cherrilynn breaks this teaching down into two parts, Listening to God & Listening to others.Listening to God God's number one Commandment begins with "Hear Oh Israel" the...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 04/01/2016
Every believer is a slave, but to who?Cherrilynn personally struggled with this teaching until she studied it in depth. Now she knows who she serves and her focus is more on...
We all experience guilt. As women, it seems like it clings to us. How do we apply the Grace of God to eradicate this guilt all while glorifying God?Cherrilynn gives...
Mina shares her testimony of how God healed and delivered her from the traumatic after effects of spousal abuse. Beginning with her description that she was a Post Traumatic Mess right...
Posted by Mina Raulston on 03/29/2016
There is only one way to serve God and that is as a team for best results. Consider the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit all working together in our creation, redemption and...
This is one in a series of specialty coaching workshops on caring and loving yourself. As women we are natural caregivers: we carry many responsibilities, we love beyond limits...
It is encouraging and exciting to find freedom in living life God's way. All I want is to follow Jesus--why does it seem to be so hard? Jesus gives us clear teaching for...