Could the Adulterous Woman and the Sinful Woman with the Alabaster Jar be one in the same person? Reading John and Luke's account of these two women can bring this into speculation....
Rising Out of the Ashes. If you've been betrayed, deserted, or deceived, or are trying to find hope and healing God can do that! He has for me! Gwendolyn Pew, Pastor www.womenspeakers ...
A frank discussion on how other's regret and shame keep them isolated and separated from family and loved ones. How to recognize this and choose not to live in offense. Focus on...
Taking a look at what's in our heart's garden: Unforgiveness (toward others); Unbelief (who God says you are); Unforgiveness (of yourself); Blocked Goals; Generational...
Down Again is a seven-chapter book with discussion questions at the end of each chapter. Relationship with Jesus, what to do when we fall, and how to get back into relationship with...
Perfect for church services and adult/teen Sunday school on/near Life Sunday. Even the seemingly unforgivable is forgivable. Christ's love and forgiveness is form the path to healing,...
A message of discovery and forgiveness that builds on Sheila's book, My Baby's Feet, and her transition from pro-choice to pro-life, beginning with her fears that led her...
Take a Journey Through the LORD's Prayer The most powerful prayer that Jesus taught His disciples. This life changing lesson helps us to understand God's POSITION as...