Kim's experience in pre-marital counseling has led her to have a passion for marriages. This learning experience is great for college-aged/ young adults. In this session,...
Posted by Kim Kintner on 12/31/2018
Redeemed is a mix of personal and Biblical stories that will remind even the most weary heart to continue on their journey. Stand firm in God's redemption plan to live a...
Posted by Kim Kintner on 12/31/2018
Dig deeper into the book of Galatians. Kim's women's Bible study on the book of Galatians is in the works!...
Posted by Kim Kintner on 12/31/2018
~The Bible tells us that we each have a “bent”~ Do you know what your child’s gifts and talents are?~Determining your children’s God-given gifts and talents...
Posted by Shelly Templin on 12/18/2018
Would you rather stick a fork in your eye than have people over to your home? Does the thought of entertaining make you break out in hives – or send you into a Pinterest Panic? Learn...
Often we feel we have too much baggage to be effective. Learn how to empty our bags of dirty laundry and pack them with life giving tools based on Biblical principles. Shelly...
Posted by Shelly Templin on 12/18/2018
1 Timothy 1:19 warns against having our faith shipwrecked. How can we keep that from happening even when life is hard and challenges our faith. Learn ways to grow and protect your...
Posted by Shelly Templin on 12/18/2018
We want to live on the mountaintop but often we find ourselves in the valleys of life. Learn how the valleys of life can be a time of refreshment and growth to prepare us for the next...
Posted by Shelly Templin on 12/18/2018
What do you thirst for? Why is it important to know what you really thirst for? Listen as Yvonne talks about a spiritual thirst for Jesus, when our souls are thirsty for some...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
A different look at the book of Esther. In this session Yvonne takes us back in time to the 5th century in the Persian capital of Susa for an in depth and often funny look at...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
What makes a person happy? What is the difference between happiness and joy? As christian how should we look at this topic? In this session Yvonne shares a 7 step plan...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
Do you believe God loves you & wants the best for you? Can you you relax, confident that his ways are better than our ways? Are you convinced, that he has that power?That's...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018