Pain is a universal denominator. It crosses gender, race, socio-economic status, and education. Pain does not judge, nor does it discriminate. Pain is real and it can be debilitating....
Although you may live an ordinary, everyday life, you are no ordinary, everyday woman. You are God's temple, and you have the supernatural ability to glo - to reflect the very...
It's a familiar struggle for all women of faith: striving to live the consistent Christian life amid seasons of fluctuating hormones and stressful life circumstances. From periods...
In today's world we are constantly bombarded with lies that shape our lives---lies such as: you are not good enough, pretty enough, successful enough.or perhaps you don't have enough...the...
Not living in God's power today can cause us to be unprepared for tomorrow. Suddenly our "I will never..." becomes "I can't believe I...". Let's take...
Have you heard the old saying, "The sky is the limit"? Well not for God! Pull out all the "stops" as, together, we consider the character and power of God described...
This message, based on Mark 22:1-14, will encourage you to find joy in your circumstances and teach you to take advantage of every opportunity God places in your path. Walk away prepared,...
"Are you feeling much less than enthusiastic? Is your glass mostly empty? Do you keep hearing a voice saying, ""Fuel level is low"", even when you are not in your car? Well, it might...
Girls from 1st-5th grade are invited to a time of talks about inner beauty and being God's princess. There will be a special tea time, craft, and spa moments where they have opportunity...
This presentation has the theme of a spa where women will enjoy little spa features items like lotions, nail polish and such that the event host will acquire. The topics of the day...
Single but not Alone discusses the unique journey of a single parent while reinforcing that God is an ever present guide and strength in the life of a single parent, regardless of...