The church is as the Old Testament character of Samson. Powerfully called, empowered, prepared, Spirit-filled, and sent. What are we doing napping on Delilah's voluptuous lap?...
As Christian women, we tend to do more for others while neglecting self-care. After all, it is better to give than to receive, right? Linda explodes a few myths and shares practical...
Did you know Goliath had four brothers? I think that's why David picked up 5 stones when he only needed one. He thought he might have to fight the four brothers that day. It...
Posted by Karen Porter on 12/27/2021
Beyond your wildest desires, Jesus is MORE. He is the One who is able to move in ways that we cannot even fathom. Why are we not living IN the immeasurably more of His love? Many who...
*Where to find possible topics.*Pictures for free!*Best font for younger children.*How big is your book? Pages and size.*Design a picture book for free.*The front matter matters.*Build...
Posted by Linda Culbreth on 10/28/2021
Sin has fibrous roots that want to possess our hearts.The chains that bind are not made of unbreakable steel, so where do we get the power to free us from the shackles of worry, self-loathing,...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 10/27/2021
Do you have a special topic you want me to speak on? Message me and I will allow the Holy Spirit to inspire my words to bring the message you want your listeners to hear.It will...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 08/08/2021
When you experience who you are in Christ and how much He loves you, you begin to understand and find your true identity in Christ. You will appreciate that your life begins...
Abortion and the Church. Did you know that for decades, over 75% of women who procure an abortion in the U.S. claim the Name of Christ? 63,000,000 Babies aborted JUST in the U.S....
Posted by Pam Caylor on 05/20/2021
Life has gotten to be so hard! RIght? We are more isolated, we cannot hug the ones we love, we have fear, sorrow and wonder if things will ever get back to normal.Good news!...
Posted by Jill Evans on 02/24/2021
Modern attention spans last three second, and we remember less than 5 percent of what we hear. Speakers, writers, teachers, and other communicators need new tools to communicate...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 02/15/2021
In this teaching, Lauren speaks about the importance of developing disciples in a three-step process which is revealed in 1 Thessalonians 2. The message also gives many practical applications...