Churches across the board are searching for ways to stop the "leak" of our next generation leaving church after high school. Yet no new programs or special ministries seem...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 10/24/2017
Reciprocity in friendship is the glue that makes each gal feel valued and safe instead of vulnerable and used. During this session, you'll discover how to move from mediocre relationships...
Ever find a great lesson in the most random situation? In this session, Kris will help you see the value in looking for the unusual, odd, and bizarre things in life and finding lessons...
Do you feel crowned by God's grace in your daily life? Are you living on purpose or just getting through? Ever wondered why on earth you are here? Come! Let's figure it out...
I’ve Got Gifts, She’s Got Gifts, All God’s Children Got Gifts!(1-2 sessions depending on event/interactive activities work well with this topic)Each one of us is...
Posted by Robin R King on 09/29/2017
Faith is the only thing that will overcome fear. Courage is still going forward when you are afraid. Are you living with crippling fear, are you even embarrassed of all...
Posted by Debbie Ormonde on 09/28/2017
Is the storm raging in your life? Have you felt like you're drowning? Do you seem like you just get your head above water and your hit with another wave? Storms came in the life...
SeminarThis is an 8 session seminar; however, Debbie is willing to work with you to make the material fit your program needs.Based on the book Lead Like Jesus by Ken Blanchard,...
Posted by Debbie Ormonde on 09/28/2017
Weekend RetreatJohn 8:31-32Debbie has spent years ministering within prison walls all over the world. Her time within those walls has taught her one thing: freedom has nothing to do...
Posted by Debbie Ormonde on 09/28/2017
Weekend RetreatJonah 1-4Jonah was called by God and ran. His disobedience led him straight to the belly of a fish. As we look at the story of Jonah, you will learn that the fish in...
Acting in obedience to the Lord’s leading is often a difficult path for Christians. Debbie speaks about an episode of extreme obedience, and how it took a path other than what...
Posted by Debbie Ormonde on 09/28/2017
Have you ever struggled and fretted because your life wasn't going the way you wanted? Do you feel that way right now? You have legitimate needs and desires. You know what would...