Can you conceive of anything that demonstrates the gospel more beautifully than the godly behavior of those who receive it? Feminine Delight looks at Biblical Womanhood, which is true...
Women are a precious gift from God to the world, but somewhere along the way we’ve lost our confidence. Explore when the first woman lost her confidence and how Christ came to...
Stephanie Olson teaches on the joy of the Lord. This is no 12-step meeting or message on addictions. And although battling an addiction is a huge battle and shouldn't be ignored...
"Every woman wants a dynamic, meaningful and love-filled marriage. What prevents us from having it? Often our own choices get in the way. In this highly acclaimed message,...
Power for daily living can elude even the most seasoned believer. However a life of power is possible when we’re willing to grow in faith one step at a time. In this heartfelt...
We Christians believe we are saved by God’s grace through faith, yet many of us fall back to living by law when it comes to our daily walk. When we do that, we miss some incredible...
Unexpected emergencies, opposing obstacles and even good things will throw us off course. So let’s do our best to be prepared for the next “reality” by focusing on Biblical principles...
Reading and studying the scripture references to the sense of taste; sweet, sour, salt and bitter and how we can apply these principles to daily living. Keynote...