Life is filled with ups and downs, peaks and valleys. You relish those moments of "Things are good," stress about the situations that make you anxious, and have a complete...
Are your “holidays” frenzied or focused? Using Mary and Martha as models, we will learn effective strategies to sit at the Master’s feet and still accomplish all that needs...
A woman tends to define her role in life by her responsibilities and relationships. Yet God sees her apart from what she does and has given her an irreplaceable role and a "red carpet"...
Sometimes your soul needs a break from the busyness of life. Cindi's Hawaiian-themed weekend retreat or one-day conference focuses on Psalm 32:7 in The Message: ("God's my island hideaway,...
Get your giggle factor in motion because it’s time to p-a-r-t-a-y! That would be Play, Assemble, Rejoice, Tease, Amuse and Yell. King Solomon said “there is a time to laugh”...
During a Journaling Seminar, I asked a young woman what her journaling style was and she responded, "it's raw ... like King David." King David could have carried the...
There are countless advertisements all around us encouraging us to create a "stress-free environment." But Jesus gave us the answer for creating a "spa-like" surrounding...