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Posted by: Debra Bosacki on 10/28/2015

Spiritual Journaling - Intimacy With God

During a Journaling Seminar, I asked a young woman what her journaling style was and she responded, "it's raw ... like King David." King David could have carried the weight of the nation on his shoulders, but instead he poured out his heart to God in prayer and writing. He was real before God - he was RAW before God. King David surrendered everything before His King, the Lord God Almighty. He knew that His authority was dependent upon his surrender to God's authority in His life. The authority that you carry in the spiritual realm depends on your surrender to God as well. 

It’s time to plow up the hard ground of our hearts. Jer.4:3 

Are you carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? Pile your troubles on God's shoulders through the discipline of journaling. Learn how to pour your heart out before Him. King David wrote about the issues of HIs life and brought them before God.

He said in Pslam 25:1, "unto you o lord do I bring my life." And He encourages us to do the same in Psalm 62:8 ... pour your heart out before God ... (AMPC) 

Like King David you might have a busy schedule. Despite King David's busy schedule, he knew the secret of walking in victory and winning spiritual battles; and that was spending time with God. 

Spiritual journaling is different than keeping a diary. It is interacting with the One Who already knows everything about you and inviting Him into the pages of your life, so that He can help you make sense of it. 

Journaling will slow you down long enough to hear from God. As you do, He will give you His insights, revelation and direction so that you can walk in victory too.

Join Debra Bosacki in this adventure of seeking God through the spiritual discipline of journaling. In this workshop, Debra will uncover the secrets the great men of God knew and took advantage of, and then make them applicable to your walk with God. 

You’ll develop an intimacy with God you’ve longed and gain wisdom and insight about your life. Learn how to cultivate your heart, release stress and anxiety and increase focus. Best of all, become the woman God intended you to be! Don’t miss a beat of what God is doing in your life. Discover His fingerprint in your soul through this life changing workshop and come anticipating an encounter with God. 

Seminar Topics: 

  • Knowing God 
  • Hearing God 
  • Basics of Journaling 
  • Benefits and Obstacles 
  • Journaling Your Destiny 
  • Journaling Exercises
  • Heart Assessment to see the condition of your heart
  • … and more.

Surveying the land of your heart should be done on a regular basis. 

Highlighting God's movements through your journal will help you to see what He is up to, so you can join Him. 

Experience the movements of God and step into HIS miracle working power in your life and in the lives of those you pray for. 

Journaling is one of the greatest tools God has used in my life to fine-tune my hearing His voice.  Journal writing will help you to connect the dots - to see His fingerprints, His movements - so you can join Him in what He is doing. Don't miss what God is doing in your life. Step into His movements!

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