This powerful talk, "Shedding the Shackles," offers a path to uncovering the authentic you. Together, we'll explore how hidden shame and unhealed wounds sabotage our...
Stop the self-sabotage, learn your true identity in Christ and step into your divine destiny using these three proven strategies to break free from self-doubt and cultivate...
Imagine this: You have something you're going after.... Maybe it's a lifelong dream or a big goal you've been working towards. Everything seems to be going your way until........
Posted by Carolina Marrelli on 04/03/2024
Life's pressures can often feel overwhelming, yet they are not without purpose. In this talk, we will explore how God uses challenges to shape us into His image and prepare us...
The Lord gave seven feasts in Leviticus 23 for His people to keep and remember. Each feast is a story of God's redemption and a fulfillment of Jesus' purpose, love, and revelation....
In a world where God’s daughters are facing identity crises, inevitable setbacks, and insufferable losses, the journey to fulfilling their calling and purpose can seem overwhelming....
Posted by Dana Che Williams on 02/13/2024
I want to be like the Alabaster woman when it comes to my service to the Lord; I will either annoy him or anoint him.I want my acts of love toward God to demonstrate that my heart...
Posted by Patti Davis on 02/11/2024
We need to understand the potter, embrace his design for us, and attentively keep our vessels clean for use. We have to stop fighting with the gardener and bloom where we are planted.God...
Posted by Patti Davis on 02/11/2024
After surviving the loss of their first son, Taylor and her husband were shocked to learn that their youngest baby was not expected to be born alive. The Pitcher Talk tells the story...
It’s easy to feel insignificant when you don’t have a spotlight ministry role or flashy career. Discontentment sets in as you question your purpose. Lisa affirms your identity...
Have you ever wondered what God wants to do in your life, even worrying that time is slipping away without purpose? So often we fall into the BUSYNESS trap, chasing accomplishments...
This talk includes Heather's testimony and how God restored her marriage, her family and her calling. ...
Posted by Heather Schimmelpfennig on 02/05/2024