Do not Lose Heart: Overcoming StressIn the past few years have you felt the stress levels in our nation rise? I have! We had a pandemic, political upheaval, and racial unrest causing...
Now when JESUS saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to Him and He began to teach them. This is a message that we need today to...
Posted by Kimberly Hooper on 11/12/2019
Let's face it...we all go through the storms of life. And there are times that these trials seem formidable.BUT GOD! He will not only see us through but also teach us, encourage...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 10/25/2019
Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things to wrap our heads and hearts around. God invites you discover exactly how to let go of it, to release the grip of unforgiveness, and...
While change does not come easy for anyone, audiences will gain anew perspective of the value of trusting God through every circumstance, season and situation of their lives. We will...
Posted by Donna Lott on 10/23/2019
Most Christians believe they are saved by grace, but many live as though their salvation is dependent upon how they live. Unfortunately a sneaking mindset of serving in order to stay...
Posted by Beth Kinder on 10/23/2019
In life we are all on a pilgrimage and the journey is sweeter when we can "link arms" and travel together with Christ leading the way. Using Psalm 84:5 Lisa will inspire...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 10/18/2019
As women we were made to RADIATE and SHINE, and the best way to do that is with the love of God as we look and love more like Jesus on our journey. Using Psalm 34:5, Lisa will...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 10/18/2019
We have all been there, SET FREE and then before you know it you feel like you've been sucker punched in the face. It could be: -Relational- A fractured relationship-Financial-...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 10/18/2019
I am a Certified Refuse to be a Victim Instructor. I teach a 3 to 4 hour workshop on personal safety strategies, and what techniques and strategies can be used to help avoid becoming...
Posted by Trina Hines on 10/12/2019
We’ve all heard the Christmas “story”—the manger, swaddling clothes, no room at the inn … but was it really as I’d believed it to be? Satan’s...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 10/06/2019
While change does not come easy for anyone, audiences will gain anew perspective of the value of trusting God through every circumstance, season and situation of their lives. We will...