Let me help you walk through the path of unforgiveness to forgiveness. I will teach you from experience how to really see how "unforgiveness" is the pathway of...
A soldier does not go to battle without proper training, preparation, equipment, and resources. Preparation begins with intimacy, for you have to have a intimate relationship with...
I facilitate workshops that can help women learn how identify threatening behaviors and be better prepared to escape dangerous situations safely.Women will be educated on the following:How...
This Focus Topic centers on the importance of encouraging one another to stay strong in their faith. We have fun examining the relationship Paul had with Timothy... as a mentor, instructor,...
Even as Christian women we often allow our past mistakes to creep into our present and hinder God’s plan for our lives. The guilt and embarrassment from our past often causes...
Peace, that ever elusive treasure that so many of us seek. Where is it? How come it is so hard to find? Are we looking in the right place for it? In this presentation Vicki shares...
This weekend will be one that is fun and yet will challenge the participant to take the next step in deepening her faith in Christ. We do this by remembering the acronym DUO. Session...
Session 1: Pressing On When Life is Pressing In is based on Philippians 3:12-14. During this first session we will examine 2Corinthians 4:7-9 and talk about the things we are ie hard...
This weekend is based on Romans 15:13 and will allow the participant to see that through Christ we have enough hope for our past, present and future. One session deals with our pasts...