We all set goals but sometimes, do we fizzle out within a few weeks of our efforts? If so, that is normal! We are human. But let's get real! A gold medalist...
Posted by Jill Evans on 02/18/2020
This is a crowd favorite! It's fun, intriguing, and insightful. It's guaranteed to help everyone understand communications at a new level. Candid conversations require skills...
Posted by Mary K Dunn on 02/18/2020
A Southern character who brings out the funny in life while pointing to the HOPE we have in Christ! Hold on to your hats because you might just laugh out loud!...
Posted by Jill Evans on 02/18/2020
Shannon’s story, A Deed a Day, about a kindness challenge she and her family started, has been published in three Chicken Soup for the Soul books, has been featured on several...
Posted by Shannon Anderson on 02/14/2020
We are poured into by God so that what we pour out is worth pouring! God calls us to mentor and we aren't to do life on our own. What is mentoring? What's the role of a mentor?...
Journey with Dori to uncover and address your top five boundary challenges and develop a clear action plan. This biblically based teaching is a safe and straight-forward way to gain...
Posted by Dori Pulse on 02/13/2020
What does it mean to love yourself inside out? It means understanding diet culture is a lie, embracing the body as a temple, acknowledging how we love our body and feed our soul matters,...
When first responders are dispatched, they don’t know what they could be walking into, but none the less, they go; they do the job they are called to. In this talk, I share...
Posted by Taunya Todd on 02/10/2020
As the wife of a cop, I often hear... "What's it like?" "Does his job scare you?" "You must be so proud!" In this talk, I share my side of these...
Posted by Taunya Todd on 02/10/2020
God made us all individual and unique but it's our differences that can cause tension and division among women. In this message, using her own experiences and the example of Mary...
Posted by Robin R King on 02/08/2020
Motherhood is the greatest job in the world - at least that's what they told us! Most of us had dreams of what our life as moms would look like. But the reality is often different...
Posted by Melissa Harding on 02/07/2020
God has created us a women to be a force of healing and hope in this world, but often insecurities and unforgiveness hold us back. Digging into the story of Jacob and Esau, this talk...
Posted by Melissa Harding on 02/04/2020