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Posted by: Nicole Dickey on 02/10/2025


Nicole, a Bible teacher, will lead you through a study of Nehemiah 1-9. When God called His people back to Jerusalem in 539 BC after years in captivity, many went, yet 95 years later, they still sat in a city with no walls and no gates. Nehemiah is distraught that his people are being controlled by outside forces when God has so much in store for them. 

God gave Nehemiah the authority to impart His words to bring Jerusalem from rubble to revival, but practical steps had to be taken. 

  1. Restore: Return to where there was Godly growth and inspect the internal situation.
  2. Rebuild: Start with the entry points, continue on the home front, and find your battle bud.
  3. Revive: Understand the Word, engage in worship, and continually confess. 

When God's people made sure they were where God had them, gave God their lives, protected the entry points of their lives, and rebuilt the walls that protected them, God's Spirit was released on the city, and revival hit Jerusalem. 

We will dig into the practical implications of these lessons and how we can apply them to our lives, as God desires to RESTORE us; He calls us to REBUILD from the rubble, and even after disobedience, He is faithful to REVIVE us. 

Restore - Rebuild - Revive can be one message or customized for a multi-session retreat.

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