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Posted by: Angie Watson on 12/18/2024

Pursued by Love: Hagar, Horses, and Humans

What do Hagar, Horses, and Humans have in common? We are all pursued by love! In this talk, Angie uses parallels from the story of Hagar in Genesis, relationships with horses, and her own human experience to demonstrate what it looks like to be pursued by God. By sharing how God pursued and caught her, she shares insights on how God wants to "catch" you, too!

  • God pursued Hagar - He knew her, He loved her, and He saved her because she said YES!
  • Horses - Catching horses using love and relationship-building principles that parallel how God pursues us, Angie demonstrates how horses can show us how to say YES to being "caught" by God.
  • Humans - God knows us, loves us, wants a relationship with us, and He can and will save us - just like He did with Hagar, horses, and humans like us!! All we have to do is say YES!!


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