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Posted by: Melissa Fletscher on 01/10/2025

Finding Freedom in Forgiveness

Finding freedom in forgiveness is like finding a superpower! When you choose to forgive, you receive emotional freedom, improved mental and physical health, and personal growth. Don't we all want more of these things? 

Forgiveness can restore trust and help us gain more empathy and understanding in our relationships. It can also help us break vicious cycles of bitterness that can be passed down through generations. Forgiving fills us with peace, joy, love, and connection to others. It can also clarify good, healthy boundaries. 

Jesus is a profound example of forgiveness. His actions and words show us its transformative power in our lives and those of others. If we look, we can see it everywhere in grace, mercy, compassion, love, and healing. Forgiveness is the bridge to connection and compassion with ourselves and others. 

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