An Unexpected Hero: The Remarkable Survival Story of Lena's Special Needs Stepson
Soon after navigating the enormous challenges of a pandemic wedding in the spring of 2020, Lena found herself in a fight for the survival of her special needs stepson.
Her husband’s son, who has severe autism, developed a debilitating swallowing disorder and rapidly declined to the point where taking in food and fluids became nearly impossible. He came dangerously close to losing his life but thankfully pulled through, and doctors prescribed 24/7 at-home rehabilitation.
Lena and her husband quit their jobs to care for Christopher and try to help him train his throat to start working normally again. The alternative was to put him on a feeding tube indefinitely. Taking turns, the two spent twelve hours a day spoon-feeding the 20-year-old a nutritious, calorie-rich minced diet. He had lost 80 lbs in six months and couldn't afford to lose another pound.
While all this was taking place, the married couple was fighting a long-drawn-out legal battle for conservatorship over Christopher and desperately trying to protect him from catching COVID. At the time, COVID was running rampant everywhere, and the highly contagious, deathly virus hit their home twice.
Christopher’s dangerous swallowing disorder and the ensuing year that Lena and her husband spent nurturing him back to health - not knowing if he would ever eat, drink, or speak again - became a real wake-up call for the brand-new stepmom.
God used the harrowing experience of almost losing Christopher to teach Lena priceless lessons about standing in the gap for the vulnerable and storming the heavens in times of affliction. Yet she is quick to point out that it is Christopher who is the hero in this story. His faith, courage, and resilience are ultimately what helped him fully recover.
As Lena gives her stepson a voice, sharing his testimony, you'll laugh and cry, and marvel at his unbreakable spirit. You'll find yourself astonished by the providence of God. And your understanding of the capabilities of those with special needs will be forever challenged.
~~~ Lena Bjorna is a wife, stepmom to three, Christian women's speaker, blogger, the director of evangelism outreach at her local church, and the author of the forthcoming book "Life More Abundantly: Trading the Good for God's Best." Learn more about Lena at