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Linda Goldfarb Recommendations

Submitted by Girlfriends Of Grace,Women's Ministry At Ridgeview Church on 01/06/2022

Joyce Geisinger

On Topic

Linda is a powerful speaker, full of wisdom and Biblical insight. She is gifted by God to share truth and compassion with love, passion and humor. She is very engaging- the women laughed and cried as they listened, thought and reflected during our 3 days together. Thank Linda for sharing your heart with our group! We are grateful for you!!

Do You Know Linda Goldfarb? Write a Review


I recommend Linda Goldfarb as a wonderful Christian Speaker for several reasons. First, she has such a HUGE heart and everyone wants a piece of it! I, for one, has been the receipent of her big heart many, many years ago on her radio talk show. Two, she is such an outgoing, positive human being with a great attitude and marriage! Third, she."Walks The talk" & is a POSITIVE role model & mentor for others! Look at that bright, beautiful face!! How could someone not be drawn to her? As a Speaker, she will be uplifting, edifying, & real!!

Submitted by Sa Christian Single's Mingles on 11/13/2023

Shirley Little

Linda is amazing! Dynamic and funny! She shares real-life stories and engages with everyone!

Submitted by First Baptist Church Of Universal City on 05/17/2023

Cathey Edgington

Linda is funny, thought provoking in her talks. I have heard Linda speak numerous times and I receive a message from God every time . I would recommend her to anyone who asks. I've done her two bible studies and they helped me dig deeper into God's word and grow closer to Him.

Submitted by Fbcuc on 01/10/2023

David Dannelley, Member

I have known Linda for some time and have seen her in a variety of settings. I don't know that I can describe her better than the experience rating categories. She certainly is on topic, Biblical, engaging, memorable, and is one of the most authentic people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Given all that, she is humble but has a knack for communicating to all types of people at the same time. Invite her to speak, you'll be glad you did.

Submitted by Ccc on 09/30/2022

Deanna Thornton

I have personally heard Linda Goldfarb speak at Women's retreats several times, and I can honestly say she's one of the best speakers I have ever heard. She inspired us and made us laugh, and was so interesting to listen to too. There was never a dull moment with Linda. I would highly recommend her as a speaker for any women's event.

Submitted by Bulverde Baptist Church Women's Ministry Committee on 09/07/2021

Sharon Tedford, international speaker, singer songwriter, author.

Linda Goldfarb's teaching is Jesus-centered and dynamic. I left her sessions with tools I could use in public speaking that I put into practice immediately. Linda has the ability to remind us about what we know but have forgotten to use, as well as presenting us with brand new nuggets of gold that add something extra special to our speaking engagements. Linda shares her successes and mistakes to great effect, all with the desire to teach her listeners. I highly recommend attending Linda's seminars for speakers and presenters - you will leave enthused and equipped.

Submitted by 61 Things on 08/09/2019

Daisy Whisenant, Former Principal

As a school principal, I first heard Linda's dynamic speaking at a banquet of over 200 business people and school leaders when she accepted a "Pillar of Character" award from Northside Education Foundation. This school district has over 100,000 students, so huge honor. Later, she spoke at character award ceremonies at my school, and beautifully related to students, parents, and faculty. She is organized and speaks playfully yet sincerely - such an inspiring style. She has true life stories that illustrate her points. Even though it's a public school, the message of God's love came through. We love this speaker!

Submitted by Northside School District on 05/06/2017

Ginger Dispain

I have heard Linda speak on several occasions. She speaks truth in a way that is encouraging, and keeps everything real with her transparency. Her topics are on point and are delivered with just the right amount of humor, yet she is sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Her passion for serving her Lord is evident in everything she says and does. Linda is a speaker you don't want to miss.

Submitted by First Baptist Church Of Universal City on 04/25/2017

Sharon Peebles

I have had the pleasure in the past year of being a member of Linda's Sunday school class PAK and attending a Ladies retreat where she served as emcee. Linda has a very direct, intentional delivery of the scripture. She brings it to life in such a manner that leaves you excited to apply it practically in your life. It is a new experience for me to learn from a woman and I am thankful that she is both knowledgeable and compassionate. She loves the Lord and it flows from her. It has been a joy to learn from her!!

Submitted by First Baptist Church Universal City on 04/25/2017