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Mae Renfroe

Christian Speaker
Omaha Texas 75571

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God's is still writing your story.

God's is still writing your story.

Contact Information

Omaha, TX 75571
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
7th Day "Home" Fellowship Church
Relationship to Church
Regularly Attends
Speaking Experience
Just Starting (0-9 events)
Fee Range
Works with Your Budget

More About Mae Renfroe

Mae Renfroe is the homeschooling mother of 10 children, ages 1 to 23, who lost three family members to sudden death within three years. She brings new hope, new purpose and new energy to broken hearts with big dreams. 


I'm a lover and follower of Jesus, and married to my husband Paul of 24 years. I have been passionate about encouraging fellow moms in their mothering, and drawing women closer to heart of God and have been doing so for a number of years through my blog/website,  YouTube channel and books, as well as a guest on several podcasts. 

Since the tragic loss of our 14 year-old son on April 2017, I've been writing on my blog about the new journey I am on, and I have been able to be an encouragement and inspiration to my blog readers over these last few years with all that God has done in my life and from the comfort I have been given. 

Recently I've been praying for more opportunities to share my message of hope and encouragement through speaking. I would love to be able to share at various women's groups or ministries, and to speak at women's events.

I want to be an inspiration to others that are going through similar things. To let them know there is hope and there is healing after something as tragic as this. And help women to see these times of difficulty as seasons of growth and shaping. We can live an abundant life after our loss or tradgidies whether it's abandonment, rejection, divorce, sexual abuse, or a Dr.s diagnosis. God restores and heals. He is near to the brokenhearted. ( see Psalm 34: 18 ) And God blesses those who grieve. ( see Matthew 5:4 )

Even in the unbearable seasons of life, He is nearer than we sometimes think. He promises to never leave us nor forsake us. We have to keep believing, keep trusting, keep loving, keep worshipping, and keep praising. There is hope in the middle of the trouble. He is still on the throne and He's still writing your story!