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Barbie Sheffield

Christian Speaker
Keller Texas 76248

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Here I am Lord, send me...

Here I am Lord, send me...

Contact Information

Keller, TX 76248
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Calvary Chapel Grapevine Texas
Relationship to Church
Member of
Speaking Experience
Experienced (over 10 events)
Fee Range
Bureau Level Fees

More About Barbie Sheffield

Barbie Sheffield is a certified Kingdom coach and a captivating speaker with a powerful story of redemption. Known for her bold love for Jesus and people, she inspires audiences with her genuine joy filled spirit and a deep passion for the word of God. Barbie's unique ability to connect and share her hope makes her messages unforgettable leaving a lasting impact wherever she goes. 


Barbie loves Jesus with all her heart and stands today as a true testimony of God's love, forgiveness, and grace. Barbie asked Jesus into her heart in 1986 at the age of 30 and was delivered from 17 years of drug and alcohol addictions. As a new believer the Lord gave Barbie a hunger for His word and placed her in a strong Bible teaching church where she quickly attended all services and joined the women’s ministry Bible studies. 

Barbie has served the Lord in 4 countries; the US, Philippines, China, and Mexico and continuously seeks opportunities to share the gospel and what Jesus Christ has done in her life. She has served as; Ministry Leader and Lay Counsel both in the church and international ministries, Ministry Coordinator/Leader in a large evangelical church as well as a visionary founder of annual Ladies' Spring Tea ministry events within smaller churches. Barbie holds certifications in Biblical Counseling (BCF, Inc.) and Christian Life Coaching (CC, LLC) and is the co-founder of Godly Focused Hearts a transformational online community of Christian women over 50, like herself, who have struggled with being overweight most of their lives. She continues to minister in many other areas of service to the Lord and the body of Christ. Currently Barbie and her husband Willie serve in their local church, Willie as an Elder and Barbie in the Women's Ministry.

Throughout her life Barbie has maintained her God given sense of humor and desire to serve others. One thing she knows more than anything is this; "God wants your whole heart and He is faithful to speak to you when you search for Him with all of your heart."

Jeremiah 29:12-14a

"Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord..."