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Posted by: Cherie Jobe on 10/29/2015

Taking Off Your Mask and Discovering the Real You!

"Are you “real” and “authentic” in the light of who God made you to be? Are the relationships you have with your family and friends based on who you really are, or are they built on a facade? Cherie is firmly convinced that every woman wears a different mask every day. Many of the “masks” we wear are so ingrained within us, we are not even aware we have them on. Cherie will share in a three-part session that includes “What Really is Behind the Mask?”,”Who Does God Think You Are?” and “How to Keep the Mask Off!” In this presentation, the stage is decorated with several of Cherie’s mannequin friends wearing beautiful masks. You may recognize some of Cherie’s friends, including Super-Hero Sally, Party-Time Patty, Holy Holly, and Got-it-All-Together Heather."

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