I have a story, yet I do not want any piece of my story to be my identity. But to Smile, to Shine despite the story of yesterday gone by, that is the identity I desire. My story could have broken me a time or two, but God:
Created this man named Don just for me. I feel spoiled by his love, protection and faithfulness.
Entrusted me with a boy named Peyton. Hands down, my favorite Gift from God!
Surrounded me with a world full of Girlfriends. I wouldn’t want to face another day without one by my side.
Patiently taught me how to grasp His Freedom. Such a scary thing to grasp! In grasping, I learned, there is nothing more to hold on to. My hands had to learn to be open, my heart open to being fresh, my mind refreshed to being pure, my identity purified to a new life of freedom leaving me free to be alive.