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Speaker Strategies for Virtual Presentations

Speaker Strategies for Virtual Presentations

Get Brave! Go Virtual!

 Linette Rainville   

Your stadium is waiting for you! Sharing your story is one of the best ways to impact lives and expand your INFLUENCE ONLINE. Dear Sis, get involved here at WomenSpeakers, of course, and if you haven’t taken the plunge into Social Media Influencing yet… you must! God has entrusted you and me with a message and there hasn’t been a better time in history than NOW, to reach thousands, no…MILLIONS at a touch of a button… for free! What helped me to get over my fear of “going live” was to forget about speaking to the masses, but to speak to that ONE…who needs to hear my message.

Virtual Presentation Strategies

 Tammy Whitehurst   

When it comes to online programs, I am no stranger. I have learned a lot from mistakes. One of the most valuable things to do is to have your notes on Word and pull them in front of you to refer to--no one knows. Don't look at notes written on paper. Use a large font and when you scroll no one can see. It looks as if you have no notes. Also, put a yellow sticky on your camera lens on the computer that reads LOOK HERE. It is a visual reminder that is priceless.

Guest Secret Strategies

 Rhonda Stoppe   

Being a Media Guest has become one of my favorite ways to minister to women! Podcast interviews are incredible opportunities to expand your reach. But here are secret strategies for being an effective guest: Know your message and be genuinely yourself! Take time to discern the theme of the show and how your message aligns with their theme. As you unpack your points, support them by weaving into the conversation scripture and powerful stories that help your message resonate. Give the listeners practical action steps, and give them hope for the future - a future without regrets!

Use Your Drive Time Minutes

Cherrilynn Bisbano

In the weeks prior to any event, I rehearse my content for webinars, virtual events or on-premise speaking programs while I drive. I glance at the clock to time myself. Then, I pretend I'm in front of the group, and yes! Don't worry! I have both hands on the wheel. As I rehearse, new and  important points come to mind that I first overlooked. I find better verbiage. The best part is I feel more confident when it's finally time to speak or teach. 

For further assistance growing your ministry through social media/marketing, catch the replay set here: https://smms24.heysummit.com/

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