First Conversations

When I receive a speaking inquiry, I reply first by thanking them, asking what their theme is and how many sessions they are looking for. I include a list of all that I bring to the event: an outline for each session, small group questions to follow each talk, a quiet time meditation guide, and giveaways. If they ask what I charge, I counter with: “What is your speaker budget?” If it's too distant from my normal fee, I either recommend another speaker or decide to accept anyway and donate part of my fee back to their ministry.
Winning Hearts from Moment One

When speaking at an in-person event, make yourself available to the attendees. Arrive early to set up and make sure you're prepared to go, then walk around introducing yourself to the volunteers and early arrivals. If you see any women sitting alone, go to them and make conversation, being sure to talk more about them than you. They may not realize at first that you’re the speaker, but once they do, they’ll feel special that the speaker took the time to single them out.
Pre-Talk Humor

What does laughter have to do with delivering a successful talk? It is the strategy I use to calm my nerves and energize me before speaking. Twenty minutes before going on stage or camera, I pop in the earbuds, pull up some wholesome comedy or funny social media video, and I enjoy a quick laugh! Think about what makes you laugh (or what calms you), and use it as an energy booster the next time before you speak.
Pre-Talk Prayer

People ask me if I get nervous when I get up to speak. I do not. I used to early on in my ministry but one day while praying it washed over me that if I am doing what I've been called to do and if I am speaking the words that God wants me to speak, then I am right in the will of God and smack dab in the midst of where He wants me to be. So, I say, "God, let my words be Your words, let my will bow to Your will and together let's reach who You want to reach." And any nervousness I may have had melts away with the knowledge that even if a storm of nerves is raging around me, with God, I am in the eye of that storm, right in His hands. There is no safer place to be.