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Reach More Women with Jesus' Love

Reach More Women with Jesus' Love

Get Excited!


The Lord has given me such a spirit of excitement about the beautiful reality of those who place their trust in Him and how I can participate in guiding each one in the path that He has for them. He has given me a desire to encourage through Scripture anyone who wants to leave their past behind and trust Him on a daily basis, to move ahead. God shows us that “Just for Today” He is enough. He can give us a peace that no one else can through the whole process of working towards wholeness in Christ. Get excited with me and let's free women from the enemy's grasp! 

It All Starts with You!


"Brew the coffee" became the phrase that triggered the question, "Am I too busy to spend time with God?" I love making pour over coffee and yes, it is a labor-intensive task. Over time instead of brewing my coffee, I started putting a plastic pod in a machine and pushing brew instead. One day when life was chaotic and I was pushing that button, I asked God, "Where are You?" His answer was, “Brew the coffee, Carole. When you are too busy to brew the coffee you love, you'll also feel too busy to spend time quality time with Me." Take time for Jesus! Take time for the things you love. You'll find that there's time to take care of the women He's assigned to you.  

Motivation Begins Below the Surface


Understand your soul & transform your life! The soul is an ethereal and elusive concept. You must understand it because God has called you to love him with all of it. The term ‘soul’ is synonymous with the ‘heart’ and the ‘mind.’ (furtherthefaith.com/soul/) It consists of 1. Your will - motivation, purpose, or drive. 2. Your intellect - higher brain functions like focus, orientation, planning, problem-solving, humor, empathy, creativity, learning, memory, prioritizing, and many more. 3. Your emotions - include happiness, fear, and anger. Dramatically transform your life by submitting these practical areas to God’s will, intellect, and emotions.

Boost Your Faith to Increase Your Reach


The word “faith” has many definitions which can sometimes lack clarity, leading us to ask questions like: "What about moments I have a hard time trusting God? Does that mean I don’t have faith?" or "What exactly do I mean when I say 'I believe in Jesus?'” Do I just believe that He existed, or is it something more?" Let me offer you a new definition of faith. Faith is believing that God is who He says He is, and that you are who He says you are. Dive into Scripture to see what God calls Himself and what He calls you, then trust those loving words. This is faith and this is what will get you excited and equipped to do the next thing He's calling you to do. 

Check out the A to Z Names of God & I Am Statement Prayers for Believers here: https://www.marnie.com/td/ and GET EXCITED to reach more women for Christ! 

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