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Faith Boosts for WM Leaders & Event Planners

Faith Boosts for WM Leaders & Event Planners

Bulldog Faith


Bulldog Faith is more than believing. It’s aggressive, persistent, determined, confident, and commanding. Always moving, continually reaching its goal. Bulldog Faith does not retreat or move backward; seizing what it wants with a grip that cannot be shaken off. Consider this. Are you maintaining or pursuing? Are you holding the fort or taking new ground? Are you throwing in the towel or going in for the next round? God has given us everything we need, and by faith, we forcefully take every blessing available. Every opportunity before you is an opportunity to choose either faith or failure the choice is yours.

Stand Up! Keep Going!


No matter the difficulty of the season, God promises to redeem all things. (Romans 8:28) You are not alone even in your experiences of loss, anger or depression. The earth experience is hard yet there’s always hope. Nothing is wasted with God. There’s a lesson and blessings in everything. God is not surprised by what happens to you and everything must go through Him first. Job said, “My Redeemer Lives, not “My Disciplinarian lives.” Faith is courage to walk forward despite your feelings. Ask the Holy Spirit to give the strength you need to travel in the darkest of seasons.

Beyond Soap Opera Circumstances


“HELP! My life is a soap opera and I can’t change the channel!” When overwhelming circumstances tempt me to go over the edge, I must choose whether to run alongside the negative situation—bailing into the destructive abyss—or, transform adversity into instruction. Following God’s word, I seize thoughts of overwhelm and take them captive under the authority of Christ. For the sake of body, mind, and spirit, I submit negative thinking to God and renew my mind with virtuous things. Fixing my thoughts on what is praiseworthy magnifies the good, and even amid difficult circumstances, my life radiates Christ.

Drawing Closer. Going Deeper. 


Deepening your relationship with God begins with you being intentional about your relationship with Him and desiring more of Him. As Mark 12:30 says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength." When you love someone and know how much the person loves you, you always want to spend time with that person. So you deepen your relationship with God by loving Him with all your heart and all that you have. Take time to study His Word, meditating on Him day and night. Understand the Scriptures and apply them to your daily life through practicing. Seek Him first in every area of your life.

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