" The weary world rejoices! " God gave Christine Trimpe these words during a difficult season, inspiring her to go deeper with her study of joy. What she learned was life-changing: God's joy is more than abundant and carries us through our darkest trials and tribulations. Seek joy, and you will find it! Countdown to Christmas in the Gospel of Luke with this 25-day advent devotional to discover the joy of the Lord despite difficult circumstances. In this joy-seeking journey, you will: • Experience the transformative...
Jesus said in John 16:33, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (ESV). We may think when we are suffering that God has abandoned us or is trying to "punish" us. But nothing could be further from the truth! God wants to develop important character traits in us, one of them being the beautiful gift of perseverance. If we're willing to open our hearts to what He has to teach us in our trials, we can better understand their value, experience peace in the midst of...
Four gifted writers have come together to share their stories of how they have come to enjoy peace like a river. Like most women, they have hit bumps in the road, gone around the same mountains, and believed lies about who they are. In Peace Like A River you will read 45 inspiring devotions that will speak to your hear and enable you to: - Believe you can experience triumph over your trials and tribulations - Discover the riches, the romance, and the love story found in embracing Christ - Receive true transformation by surrendering your will to the Holy Spirit - Pursue the plan God has for...