Rev Up the Romance with Marriage Mentor, Rhonda Stoppe. During this program you’ll discover: • 4 secrets to keeping romance in marriage alive. • How unmet expectations interfere with romance. • Sage advice for young wives and moms. • Counsel and encouragement for wives whose partners are addicted to porn. Rhonda Stoppe is a popular conference speaker, the author of six books and has appeared on Focus on the Family, Family Life Today and more. She’s been married to her high school sweetheart for 39 years and weaves Christian comedy with Biblical...
REAL LIFE ROMANCE by Rhonda Stoppe (Harvest House Publishers 2018) Imagine a book that helps you teach your teens or young adult children about Real Life Romance that honors Christ. What if this book was easy to read, with all the feels that keeps your young reader coming back again and again to each short story of true love? That's what you'll find with Real Life Romance! And don't be surprised if these sweet stories rekindle the romance in your own marriage too! Whether you're single and looking for a reason to believe or a parent watching your own child...
Four gifted writers have come together to share their stories of how they have come to enjoy peace like a river. Like most women, they have hit bumps in the road, gone around the same mountains, and believed lies about who they are. In Peace Like A River you will read 45 inspiring devotions that will speak to your hear and enable you to: - Believe you can experience triumph over your trials and tribulations - Discover the riches, the romance, and the love story found in embracing Christ - Receive true transformation by surrendering your will to the Holy Spirit - Pursue the plan God has for...