Perhaps you are like the little child in our story. Maybe you have had times of loneliness. Maybe there are times when you think no one wants you to be around, or maybe you think they don’t even notice you at all. Perhaps you feel that this could never change, but it can because it did! Learn how this child found faithful friends and became one, and how you can too! Whether child or adult, if you’re lonely or blue, "Finding Faithful Friends" happened for him, and it can happen for you! ...
In her true story of radical healing by a radical God, Confidence Coach and Self-worth expert Sharon Hughes, in her best-friend-over-coffee style, shares her testimony and the "God question" that was the tipping point. This one simple question revealed that she wasn't who she thought she was and you might not be either. ...
Positions of self worth and value are being compromised and destroyed. Every woman has the desire to feel accepted and loved. The desire is so great that we try to satisfy those deep desires by our own means. We rely on self accomplishments such as striving to be a successful business woman, to receive a master’s degree, or to get married and have a family, signifying acceptance into society. Some women rely on their exterior beauty to affirm their importance. However, the impact in the end becomes futile. Our accomplishments and abilities can only carry us so far. Once we fulfill one area,...