The Working Smarter System The two greatest keys to making a difference (being effective) and checking off your to-do list (being efficient) is to: Know what you are supposed to do in this seasonDo it Whether you are a mom with a full heart and a full plate, a ministry leader with a million ideas, or an online entrepreneur who is struggling with overwhelm from all the things you are supposed to be doing to be successful, The Working Smarter System will help you get the right things done in a shorter amount of time. The Working Smarter System includes 3 Workshops, 4 Worksheets...
Does the word discipleship sound a bit intimidating? What if making disciples could be relational, renewing, refreshing—and every bit as enjoyable as inviting a friend to coffee? Making disciples relationally was how the early church “did life.” Yet somehow over the years, we’ve outsourced discipleship to a class to attend or a set of rules to follow—rather than a lifestyle to embrace. A healthy blend of knowing Jesus andmaking Him known is what gives the Christian life its savory sweetness, and nothing else will satisfy our deep thirst for connection and significance....
You Are Beautiful! Devotions to Help You Understand Your Worth & Purpose POCKET EDITION contains the same great lessons as the first edition but with updated content, a fresh, new look inside and a compact package outside! Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us, "He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Everything—which includes you! Do you have trouble believing that? If so, you’re not alone. As girls and women, it's easy to become insecure about our appearance when we're bombarded with images depicting "perfection.” Comparison becomes part...