When Carole Leathem’s husband, Bill, first began his battle with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, she had no idea years of rejection and identity issues would come to a head. After all, when you’re the wife of a senior pastor, there are certain expectations that come with it. Imperfection and mental illness are not among them. Managing depression in marriage and setting relationship boundaries brought pain, uncertainty, and rejection, which were nearly unbearable. Whenever Carole surrendered to God, he showed up time and time again. As Carole searched...
1. He's Concerned 2. Until Grace 3. How Could I Ask For More 4. One Safe Place 5. This Is Your House 6. Three 7. Above All 8. Let My Words Be Few 9. Beneath You 10. The Things We've Handed Down ...
How have you been designed to mentor? This workbook is about you. It is designed to accompany the Legacy book, which is published separately. These pages are designed for self-discovery and self-reflection. It is an invitation to honesty. Who are you really? Where do you want to grow? Who is Jesus to you? It wil introduce you to the art of mentoring. ...
Mentoring millennials is an adventure. Join us as we explore who we are, who they are and how the two generations can build community through mentoring. Build your legacy as you build God's Kingdom! Purchase your copy here . ...
Prepare yourself for the journey of a lifetime, because you are being positioned to encounter the presence of God in your personal quiet time. In the Old Testament before the Israelites crossed the Jordan River into their Promised Land, the Lord told Joshua to take 12 stones from the middle of the very waters that were separating them from their freedom. The people were to erect a memorial with these large boulders. The Lord explained to Joshua that these stones would cause people to ask what they were, and give opportunity to tell future generations how the God of Israel delivered them from slavery...