When God gives you a dream, it doesn’t come with a manual. At first, the excitement and longing for the dream can drive you. Yet if you do not understand God’s process of preparing the dreamer for the dream and the true meaning of the seeds He plants, you can travel a disappointing, discouraging, and confusing path. Dreams inspired by God require intense seasons of refinement, perseverance, and character development and whatever you must endure to reach His dream for you is outweighed by the glory of being changed by God in the most uncommon ways. Surely dreams are worth more...
"> In this short interview, Shana talks about her message 'The Power of Providence' and the beauty of God's plan in our lives. God is creating a masterpiece out of our lives and someday every twists, turn and detour will make sense. ...
This three song EP is Shana's signature collection of songs that touch on themes of destiny and providence. This EP includes her songs Go, I Belong to You, and Providence http://shanastrange.net/products-page/ ...
Love Needs No Words Rachel and Mitchell both grow up in the small town of Providence, Tennessee. Their paths keep crossing and at one point it looks like they'll finally get together. But the opportunity slips away and they go their separate ways. It takes a tragedy many years later before they're reunited. This time will they let the moment pass or will they take a step of faith and trust God to work a miracle in their lives? This beautiful redemptive romance is portrayed with no dialogue, using dramatic action, breathtaking cinematography,and an incredible soundtrack of indie...