In this book, Joan E. Murray will tell you how to stop being afraid and step up for what is important to you. Buy this book now and discover the power of the words in the Bible and begin to transform your life as Christ shows you how to walk in Boldness. This book is part of the Discovering God! series. Joan Murray is totally committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is the founder and CEO of Joan Murray Ministries and Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions. She is a minister, speaker, author, and missionary who loves the Word of...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/07/2022
Searching? Feeling unloved? Tired of being in another unsatisfying relationship? In this book, Joan E. Murray will introduce you to the first real love of your life - God . Discover the power of loving yourself and others as God Shows You How to Love. Joan Murray is totally committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is the founder and CEO of Joan Murray Ministries and Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions. She is a minister, speaker, author, and missionary who loves the Word of God and desires to see people experience freedom, wholeness and victory in all areas of...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Have you ever needed to pray earnestly about a situation, but could not find the right words? How about being asked to pray for others and you struggled to even begin? There are some people who do not pray often because they don’t know what to say. Even Jesus prayed while He was on earth. Discover how often He prayed. He is the Son of God, but He still faced difficult times. He, too, needed and sought comfort, strength, and answers for life’s challenges. For these reasons we must pray. In these five thought-provoking chapters of ‘I MUST Pray’, there are answers...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Ever wonder why you feel like God is not listening to you? Are you the only person not hearing from God when you pray? Think you are doing something wrong? In this series, Discovering God! Joan E. Murray takes the stories in the Bible, breaks them down and helps you discover how to connect with God. The series is a collection of her short, to the point books. They are packed with life lessons and strategies. Volume 2 contains the books: Overcoming Loneliness and AlonenessHope in Difficult SeasonsWorship - Our Deepest Need To discover more please go to the...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Ever wonder why you feel like God is not listening to you? Are you the only person not hearing from God when you pray? Think you are doing something wrong? In this series, Discovering God! Joan E. Murray takes the stories in the Bible, breaks them down and helps you discover how to connect with God. The series is a collection of her short, to the point books. They are packed with life lessons and strategies. Volume 1 contains the books: Flow Through Me, LordFreedom in The SonShow Me How to LoveBoldness in Christ Joan Murray is totally committed to helping...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Have you ever felt trapped in a cycle of mediocrity with seemingly no end in sight? How about having a desperate need to be free from discouragement, disappointment, and even despair? Has the enemy kept you living below your privilege as sons and daughters of God? Understand that you are a child of a great King and that He designed you for greatness. In this book, Called and Chosen for Destiny, Joan Murray takes you on a journey to discover that you are called, destined, and appointed to accomplish great things in your life. You will uncover secrets that will lead you to the...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Through these inspirational, personal, and Biblical stories, Joan takes you deep into the lives of many people who were unsure they could survive their painful struggles. They learned to trust God,and were victorious. You will be too. These stories will inspire and encourage you as you make the decision to trust God completely, because He can be TRUSTED. This workbook is the companion to Joan's book, "You Can TRUST Him." Buy the book and the workbook and take your first steps towards trusting GOD! Joan Murray is totally committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Do you have difficulty trusting some people? How about God? Can you really trust Him? Have you ever asked yourself why it is so hard to TRUST? There are many of us who struggle with trusting others. One of the reasons for this is that often, the people we trusted to watch over and care for us; failed us. Their abandonment left deep wounds and scars in our souls. As a result, some of us believe that just like these people, God cannot be trusted. You Can Trust Him is an in-depth journey into inspirational, personal, and Biblical stories that will help you find trust truths in the midst of pain,...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Your Emotions Matters! Your emotional life matters. It's closely related to your mental health, and it effects your physical health. Being emotionally healthy empowers you to thrive in life. Download and write in this FREE 30 Day Journal to: Track your emotions through awareness and mindfulness.Inspire you with positive quotes every day.Empower an intentional life....
Posted by Danielle Bernock on 06/27/2022
EMBRACE YOUR VALUE Silence the voices that say you're not good enough. Only one voice matters. Knowing you're loved and valued changes everything. This FREE audio book LOVE'S MANIFESTO is a declaration of true love for you to embrace your true self. Feed your soul the truth. Embrace your value & feel loved in 9 minutes. It's always FREE! Get it NOW....
Posted by Danielle Bernock on 06/27/2022
Worn out. Disappointed. Done. Are you tired? Have you been wounded or nearly defeated by life? With refreshing condor and raw emotion, Amy gives the gift of hope and renewal to women who are in the midst of disappointments and pain. She describes her own struggle in choosing the road of sweetness when fears, lies and insecurity threatened to bang down the door of her hurting heart. with every set back, Amy felt like she was growing old...but not growing up. Ugliness was winning over true beauty-until she finally embraced the hard stuff of life with Jesus, the one One who could empower...
Posted by Amy Stout on 06/02/2022
Get your free list of tools to help you reach 100+ episodes! Stuck? Uninspired? Don't know if you can keep going? Your podcast sounded like a good idea, but now it's drudgery? These popular tools and resources will help you plan, stay organized and avoid the inevitable burnout! ...
Posted by Yvette Walker on 05/23/2022