For FREE VIDEOS to help you become a No Regrets Woman, Subscribe to Rhonda's YouTube Channel : Rhonda Stoppe No Regrets Woman ...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/04/2018
Steve & Rhonda Stoppe authors of the new book THE MARRIAGE MENTOR have created a video series that you and your spouse can watch for FREE. Each video goes along the chapters in their book. We get it. You (or your spouse) are not a reader! That's why we made these FREE easy to watch videos to help engage couples in conversations that will help mentor them toward becoming the couple they long to be. Great for couples, and for small group discussions. WATCH FREE MARRIAGE VIDEOS HERE ...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/04/2018
Upon my entry in the world of faith, the discovery that women were considered second class citizens left me without words. However, over the course of now 30 years, God's word has confirmed just the opposite. God cannot be put in a box. Neither can His plan for His purposed women be put in a box despite centuries of attempts. For instance, the Samaritan woman was the 'first' evangelist about the arrival of the Messiah, Jesus. In Luke 24, a woman, or women, appointed by Jesus, were the 'first' messengers that Jesus was risen, as He had promised. Both situations included women...
You can get to the other side of guilt and shame, just walk through the door of abortion recovery. These are Alabama numbers but they are in every state so look up whatever state you are in. You can contact anyone below and they can help guide you to who you need to get to in your area. Welcome to Abortion Recovery Alabama The choice is liberating. Choice empowers us. And according to the U.S. Supreme Court, women have the right to choose. Is the abortion choice the same for women as the right to vote and the right to free speech? Is abortion a good choice for our mind and soul? ...
In May 2015, Jean discussed her medical misdiagnosis on The Today Show . ...
Posted by Jean Abbott on 12/16/2017
REAL LIFE ROMANCE by Rhonda Stoppe (Harvest House Publishers 2018) Imagine a book that helps you teach your teens or young adult children about Real Life Romance that honors Christ. What if this book was easy to read, with all the feels that keeps your young reader coming back again and again to each short story of true love? That's what you'll find with Real Life Romance! And don't be surprised if these sweet stories rekindle the romance in your own marriage too! Whether you're single and looking for a reason to believe or a parent watching your own child...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/08/2017
FOR THE BRAND-NEW CHRISTIAN Book One of the Grace Warrior Devotional Series. There was a time when life dumped on, stepped on, and overlooked the woman. She searched for love, only to find rejection. Lies stripped away her dignity while antidotes for stress left her numb. She did all she could, but it was never enough. Desperate, she fell to her knees and cried out, “Help me!” God answered. She’s the King’s daughter now. She is Grace Warrior, and she’s been bathed in mercy – clothed in grace. GRACE WARRIOR – Bathed in Mercy, Clothed in Grace is...
Posted by Melissa Kirk on 08/29/2017
Janet can make a beautiful book and resource table for your event, to include the following books she has written (plus THREE more exciting ones in 2018!): PrayerWalk: Becoming a Woman Prayer, Strength and Disciple (WaterBrook/RandomHouse)Daily PrayerWalk: Meditations for a Deeper Prayer Life (WaterBrook/RandomHouse)Prayer Changes Teens: How to Parent from Your Knees (WaterBrook/RandomHouse)PrayerStreaming: How to Stay in Touch with God All Day Long (WaterBrook/RandomHouse)My Prayer Buddy Devotional: For a Sisterhood of Prayer Partners (AMG)Girlfriend Gatherings: Creative Ways to Stay Connected...
Posted by Janet McHenry on 08/08/2017
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - May 18, 2017 Press Release Experience more of God’s power and presence Sheryl Giesbrecht leads readers to explore God’s character through His names Seattle: What’s in a name? Names are more than groups of letters that represent a person or identify objects. Names are powerful. A person’s character and destiny can be influenced by his or her name. When it comes to God, His attributes and personality support His unique and distinct names. In Experiencing God Through His Names (Bold Vision Books/June17, 2016/ISBN:...
Posted by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner on 05/18/2017
The NO REGRETS HOUR airs the first Wednesday of every month with hosts Rabbi Eric Walker and Rhonda Stoppe No Regrets Woman. This one hour program is truly inspiring, engaging and delightful. You will look forward to hearing Rabbi Walker and Rhonda Stoppe share their own personal stories of breaking free from regret, as well as inspiring stories of others in history and in scripture who God used powerful in their generation once they learned the secret to a NO REGRETS LIFE! WATCH past episodes & SUBSCRIBE to the show here: The No Regrets Hour ...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 04/28/2017
Rhonda Stoppe has been a pastor’s wife for over 20 years, so she gets it! IMAGINE if you had your own PERSONA MENTOR to help you in this unique ministry to which God has called you! I SLEEP WITH THE PASTOR is just that…a personal friend who understands the joys and conflicts of being a ministry marriage––and raising ministry kids! This book is broken up into 52 weeks of devotionals, as Rhonda encourages the reader to take some time the day before her congregation meets to get her heart right with the Lord, her husband, her children and with the people...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 04/28/2017
Imagine if you had your own PERSONAL MENTOR to help you learn to enjoy sex in your marriage bed…Rhonda Stoppe is that mentor! With her honest, fun-loving manner, and from a biblical perspective in this short–to the point–book, you will feel as though Rhonda is sitting across from you over a cup of coffee to help you learn the secret to becoming the lover you had hoped you would be on the day you said “I do”. Learning to enjoy sex with your man from the PRACTICAL insights in this book can help you: – Discover ways to delight in sex in your...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 04/28/2017