FREE Happy Hour Survival Guide Reveals 5 Little-Known Strategies Women Are Using To Skip Drinking Alcohol Tonight So They Can Be Hangover Free Tomorrow ...
Posted by Jenn Kautsch on 06/12/2024
A grandchild's observation, "Mom-mom, your belly is squishy..."A memory that seems to be on permanent leave...A heart that needs monitoring...A sandwich generation who deals with stinky laundry on one end and toe fungus on the other. A body likened to a leaky tent...Friends and family that keep you laughing and leaking...It's all part of becoming a quinquagenarian--that magical, problematic age between fifty and sixty. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. (Proverbs 31:25 ESV)Although Lisa J. Radcliff has not felt particularly strong or dignified...
Posted by Lisa Radcliff on 06/09/2024
Do you ever question your worth, question God’s love for you, or compare yourself unfavorably to others? Are you a burden bearer, perfectionist, or struggle with codependency? Are you often overwhelmed, stressed out, or feel “not enough”? Most women can be nurturing to others, but neglect to show the same care for themselves. They can demonstrate much empathy and compassion to the people in their lives, yet berate and even hate themselves. Despite the abundance of resources available to support women's mental health, stress and anxiety levels among women are on the rise....
Posted by Laronda Alexander on 05/23/2024
Are you woman or man called to marketplace ministry? Then you probably know how important it is to be at your best for the glory of God and the service of others. In this video, you'll learn a shocking fact about the leading cause of dis-ease and disease in the body. Why Carolina is different than all the other Corporate Wellness Speakers and Health Coaches out there and how she can help your employees stay healthy -- thus keeping your bottom line where you want it to be. (Pictured in this photo: F ormer NFL Jaguars football player, Bryan Sshwartz. Carolina and Bryan were both featured...
Posted by Carolina Marrelli on 04/19/2024
Meet Your Next Women’s Ministry Speaker, Carolina Marrelli! If you are looking for a dynamic and engaging speaker for your next retreat, conference or women’s ministry gathering, look no further.Please visit for more info! ...
Posted by Carolina Marrelli on 04/19/2024
Sometimes LIFE feels like it's "LIFING" us..... But the thing is, there is a gift inside every adversity or challenge we face. It's just a matter of seeing things with a different set of eyes. ...
Posted by Carolina Marrelli on 04/19/2024
It’s so easy to run on “go-go-go” mode 24/7. Yet the farther we fall into the black hole of living on autopilot, the dimmer our light gets and the more out of touch we become with our deepest desires…Until something forces us to wake up. At this very moment, an intentional choice must be made. In this talk, Carolina Marrelli takes us on a gripping exploration of life's unpredictability and the decisions that define us. It's a compelling call to prioritize what matters most in your life, and embrace a counter-cultural way of thinking — one that unveils a...
Posted by Carolina Marrelli on 04/19/2024
You are made in the image of God - Stop hating yourself - You are fearfully and wonderfully made. When you change your won't have to change your outward looks! In Poetic Prescriptions for Eternal Youth: Examining Earthly Beauty from a Heavenly Perspective, Katherine Norland picks apart societal standards of beauty that have been foisted upon us. She shatters misconceptions about image and self-worth in this truthful yet lighthearted look at our bodies, and shows us the difference a divine perspective makes. Katherine pops the fallacy of being perfect like a ripe zit,...
Posted by Katherine Norland on 04/11/2024
Does Your Life Bite? Does it seem like your prayers never get answered? Are you wondering where God is in all this? It's like you've gone to war in a flypaper dress, trying to catch each buzzing pest: those swarming problems that keep you from living the full life God has for you. Katherine tackles modern day problems we deal with using the 10 plagues of the Bible and other modern day plagues we deal with now, like thoughts of divorce, obesity, fear, suicide, AIDS, domestic violence, broken hearts, etc. Whether it be physical ailments or broken spirits from bad relationships to...
Posted by Katherine Norland on 04/09/2024
Sarah talks about God being our Midwife when we go through difficult circumstances. ...
Posted by Sarah Holley on 04/09/2024
Are you overwhelmed with anxiety? Does your mind race with worry? Sarah shares some practical tips on how to redirect your mind and calm your spirit. ...
Posted by Sarah Holley on 04/09/2024
When we are in difficult seasons, it's easy to believe a few lies, just like Gideon did when God called him to lead Israel into freedom (Judges 6). In this video excerpt, Sarah talks about the three lies Gideon believed, lies that we often fall victim to, too. ...
Posted by Sarah Holley on 04/09/2024