Are you or someone you know grappling with the heavy burden of grief after a profound loss? Discover hope, healing, and spiritual guidance in the Award Winning book, authored by the renowned Christian speaker Katherine Barner. Embrace the Journey of Healing: In this heartfelt book, Katherine Barner offers a compassionate and faith-based perspective on navigating the tumultuous waters of grief. Drawing from her own experiences and a deep well of spiritual wisdom, she provides invaluable insights and practical tips to help you find solace, strength, and renewal in your grief journey. Find Comfort...
Posted by Katherine Barner on 08/02/2023
On this 50 minute radio show hosted in Denmark with a listenership of 25,000, 40% of whom are in the US, Sue Bowles and Louisa 'Wizzi' Magnussen talk about life's traumas and what it takes to not only survive but even thrive after healing from it. Sharing more about the Dare to Believe Movement, Sue candidly shares her story, what she has learned, and the deep healing God has brought to her life when she 'took a risk on love.' Nestled within the radio show is a 6 song playlist personally selected by Sue to supplement the message, featuring music from a variety of Christian...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 08/01/2023
Paperback Jim Staley forged through the troubling Deep Waters Within his heart and found healing by surrendering his heart to the Lord. His relationship with his father was restored, although too late. He is now allowing the Rivers of the Holy Spirit to flow through to others keeping his father's legacy alive. But another storm is brewing and this one is external. Will he make it through this time? He was newly married, will it survive the storm? ...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 06/22/2023
Paperback Mary and Samantha had different situations that hurt them, but both women chose to run to a place of escape; escape from reality. Samantha ran to Nowhere Land when life got too much. It was a place where the beach she lived on was empty. Life hurt too much and all she wanted was to be alone. Mary also ran to escape the pain of life; it hurt too much and she did not want life any longer. She ran to a place on the beach void of people she called alone space. Will they learn to trust? Will they find true peace and happiness? Most importantly, will they see and accept God’s...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 06/22/2023
In her true story of radical healing by a radical God, Confidence Coach and Self-worth expert Sharon Hughes, in her best-friend-over-coffee style, shares her testimony and the "God question" that was the tipping point. This one simple question revealed that she wasn't who she thought she was and you might not be either. ...
Posted by Sharon Hughes on 06/17/2023
Janet Perez Eckles should be sinking in the mud of misery. Instead, she dances on a stage of victory. At twelve years old, Janet and her family left Bolivia for St. Louis, Missouri, their suitcases filled with dreams of a happy life in the United States. But cruel reality awaited. Complete blindness by age thirty, a tragically broken marriage, the murder of her youngest son, the acquittal of his killer were each enough to drown any woman in a tempest of heartache and despair. But God did not leave His child lost and adrift. Instead, the lowest points of her devastation became God’s divine...
Posted by Janet Eckles on 06/01/2023
Sue Bowles joins us to share how letting down our mask and being more transparent is a decision to choose courage. Sue also shares about the newly launched 'Dare to Believe Movement,' challenging the listener to answer the question 'do you believe that you matter?' ...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 02/18/2023
One question, and your answer makes all the difference! Do you believe that you matter? What would it look like to operate in the truth that God not only loves you, He likes you, and is absolutely head over heels in love with you?! Permanent, God-honoring change does not occur until this question is settled in your heart. Life events can cast doubt on the answer, feeling disqualified. At the crossroads of hurt and healing is Hope, and hope comes from settling the question once and for all. As ‘Chief Instigator’ of the newly launched Dare to Believe Movement, Sue invites the audience...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 01/18/2023
Danielle is a trauma survivor who knows what it’s like to feel powerless. She fought to reclaim her value, dignity, and power back through faith, love, and taking ownership. Danielle and her guests will empower you to become victorious in life and embrace your God-given greatness. This podcast provides 2 types of content: short episodes of actionable encouragement and interviews of Victorious Souls who fought to go from survive to thriving in life. The podcast ended after 3 seasons with the finale 12/31/23 but all episodes are still available. This podcast is not intended for medical...
Posted by Danielle Bernock on 01/10/2023
Sue Bowles joins the podcast to share her story of hurts that left her feeling beyond help. Sue describes a “nagging optimism” that kept her going, even when she wanted to give up and end her own life. Sue is the author of "This Much I Know...The Space Between," a book where she shares her pursuit of healing from childhood sexual abuse and other traumas resulting in an eating disorder, constantly struggling to answer the question "Why?" Grace Story has booked Sue to be a Story Teller at the November 2025 Conference in Cincinnati, OH. ...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 12/19/2022
Life hurts, and layers of hurt leave us feeling beyond help. Yet, the human spirit won't let us quit. So how do we navigate the distance between hurt and healing? In "This Much I Know...The Space Between," Sue Bowles shares her pursuit of healing from childhood sexual abuse and other traumas resulting in an eating disorder, constantly struggling to answer the question "Why?" "When we're talking about our stories, the space between is that gap, that time of questioning and anger and confusion and doubt and...whatever else you can think of. It's the...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 10/08/2022
Joan E. Murray relays emotionally powerful stories sharing God’s love, and demonstrates the healing power of Jesus through enlightening biblical commentary and personal testimonies. Her book, Lord, Make Me Whole, encourages Christian spiritual growth as she includes inspiring narratives of recovery. Her narratives takes personal stories of brokenness and examples of pain, as characters―both biblical and non-biblical―turn to God and achieve spiritual growth as well as personal growth. Joan Murray is totally committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is the founder and CEO...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/07/2022