What if your greatest heartbreak catapults you to your greatest growth? Jodi Rosser is no stranger to grief. She loses her best friend to pancreatic cancer, suffers a miscarriage, and endures a heartbreaking divorce. None of her stories get tied up with a red bow, yet God is faithful to bring purpose to her pain. In Depth: Growing through Heartbreak to Strength, Jodi offers hope to anyone with a hurting heart. She encourages you to discover spiritual depth as God redeems your pain. In this book, you will replace the belief that your shattered heart can never be whole with the truth that...
Posted by Jodi Snowdon (Jodi Rosser) on 09/09/2023
Sizzle Reel for Yvette Walker, speaker, author, and podcaster, speaking at Christian Communicators Conference, Podcast Movement Evolutions, and Victorious Living Women's Conference. ...
Posted by Yvette Walker on 08/21/2023
None of us start off life saying, “I want to be a failure,” or “I want to grow up and get divorced someday,” or “Someday I hope I’ll become a drug addict, or a widow, or sleep around with lots of people, or fail at business, or go bankrupt.” Our childlike faith convinces us we’ll do better, that we’ll defy the odds somehow. But life has a way of showing up and kicking the tar out of that simple, childlike faith, doesn’t it? Whether it’s from our own choices and decisions, or from the choices and decisions of others, ultimately...
Posted by Barb Lownsbury on 08/11/2023
What threatens to steal your joy today? As a leader in women’s ministry, Doris Swift has counseled countless women who have forgotten their worth, question their value, and can’t find their joy. Have you been there? When the struggles of this world drain us dry and wring us out, our desert mentality becomes fertile ground for the enemy’s lies to grow. We place our trust in what we see and feel instead of in the God we know and love. The enemy may threaten to steal our joy–but the truth is, he can’t crack the code. God has infused us with his joy, his Spirit, and...
Posted by Doris Swift on 07/04/2023
Paperback Mary and Samantha had different situations that hurt them, but both women chose to run to a place of escape; escape from reality. Samantha ran to Nowhere Land when life got too much. It was a place where the beach she lived on was empty. Life hurt too much and all she wanted was to be alone. Mary also ran to escape the pain of life; it hurt too much and she did not want life any longer. She ran to a place on the beach void of people she called alone space. Will they learn to trust? Will they find true peace and happiness? Most importantly, will they see and accept God’s...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 06/22/2023
This 30 Day Devotional is a companion to the book You Can TRUST Him by Joan E. Murray. Do you have difficulty trusting some people? How about God? Can you really trust Him? Have you ever asked yourself why it is so hard to TRUST? There are many of us who struggle with trusting others. One of the reasons for this is that often, the people we trusted to watch over and care for us; failed us. Their abandonment left deep wounds and scars in our souls. As a result, some of us believe that just like these people, God cannot be trusted. You Can Trust Him is an in-depth journey into inspirational,...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 06/20/2023
Tru sted Leader Show In this episode, David sits down with Kendra Dodd, Presenter, Coach, and Consultant, to discuss how leaders can create an environment of belonging. Show notes: TrustedLeaderShow.com Kendra's Bio: Kendra has devoted her life to creating environments of belonging, inclusiveness, and progression. She has spent over half her life speaking and encouraging others. She is a sought-after presenter, coach, and consultant regarding process improvements, culture dynamics, and personal improvement. Kendra understands the importance of development and has a passion for continuous...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
Over a period of time the Lord spoke to Joyce and she believed with all her heart that others were supposed to hear what He was saying. Especially the ones she loved most. This little book is a compilation of real-life comments, thoughts, prayers, emails, and conversations presented as they occurred in real life. Three sisters doing life with Jesus. This little book is available in Kindle and paperback. ...
Posted by Joyce Stone on 09/21/2022
Are you frustrated while waiting and waiting for your situation to turn around? Does the waiting season seem like it will never end? Are you wondering why it is taking so long to resolve your situation? Are you asking -- “Why am I here?” Welcome to the waiting room! This is where you will learn how to have a rich, full life, as you seek the Lord and bask in His presence – waiting. Joan Murray is totally committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is the founder and CEO of Joan Murray Ministries and Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions. She is a minister, speaker,...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/07/2022
Struggling? Feeling alone? Tired of swimming against the current of this river we call life? In this book, Joan E. Murray will tell you how to stop fighting and ride with the waves. Discover the power of the Holy Spirit and begin to transform your life as you allow the Lord to Flow Through You. Joan Murray is totally committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is the founder and CEO of Joan Murray Ministries and Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions. She is a minister, speaker, author, and missionary who loves the Word of God and desires to see people experience freedom,...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/07/2022
Afraid? You see the direction you are being called to go but not sure you can? Wondering if you have what it takes to accomplish your purpose? In this book, Joan E Murray will show you how to grow your faith, conquer your fear, and step into your destiny. Walk the path you are intended to walk - without fear - knowing you have the Faith that Conquers anything! Joan Murray is totally committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is the founder and CEO of Joan Murray Ministries and Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions. She is a minister, speaker, author, and missionary...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/07/2022
Have you ever needed to pray earnestly about a situation, but could not find the right words? How about being asked to pray for others and you struggled to even begin? There are some people who do not pray often because they don’t know what to say. Even Jesus prayed while He was on earth. Discover how often He prayed. He is the Son of God, but He still faced difficult times. He, too, needed and sought comfort, strength, and answers for life’s challenges. For these reasons we must pray. In these five thought-provoking chapters of ‘I MUST Pray’, there are answers...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022