Digital addiction is a very real threat. Find freedom today and get addiction treatment for video game addiction, technology addiction, cell phone addiction, internet addiction, and social media addiction with this powerful book! Do you find yourself struggling to break free from TV, video game addiction, or social media? Do you wish you didn’t waste so much time online? Does your family suffer because of time that you are “away” from them, even if you are in the same room? Do you need help managing your family time? Do you need addiction treatment to break free from Internet...
Posted by Lora Ziebro on 01/11/2024
When Carole Leathem’s husband, Bill, first began his battle with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, she had no idea years of rejection and identity issues would come to a head. After all, when you’re the wife of a senior pastor, there are certain expectations that come with it. Imperfection and mental illness are not among them. Managing depression in marriage and setting relationship boundaries brought pain, uncertainty, and rejection, which were nearly unbearable. Whenever Carole surrendered to God, he showed up time and time again. As Carole searched...
Posted by Carole Leathem on 12/31/2023
Many of us share our own stories of anxiety and depression, but today we’re talking about mental health issues from the perspective of a caregiver. My friend Carole Leathem has bravely shared her story of caring for her husband, a pastor with debilitating mental health issues, and the joy the Lord has offered in His faithfulness to her. Whether you are the caregiver or you know a friend who is, you’ll be encouraged as you listen today. ...
Posted by Carole Leathem on 12/31/2023
365 true stories from more than 250 years of America's history reveal the faith and courage of women, families, and children during American war times. Women kept the homes fires and businesses going, protected their homes, served as spies, and stood steadfast in the struggles of capture, loss, and hardships. Their ives show us this country is worth fighting for and God will be with us always. Each individual's inspiring story shares the legacy of faith. Their trials and triumphs can apply to our own lives and struggles. These incredible stories need to be told and retold for behind...
Posted by Karen Whiting on 10/12/2023
Thirty weeks of devotions each begin with prayer followed by devotions of contemporary moms, biblical moms, and moms from history. Through the centuries mothers all face similar struggles, treasure joyous moments, and and support one another through their faith in God. Discover you're not alone but in a wonderful sisterhood. Let the daily mom step inspire your journey as a mother whether new or seasoned. Karen shares stories of moms that connect us all and bring hope that we are good enough if we love and trust God. ...
Posted by Karen Whiting on 10/12/2023
When was the last time you felt refreshed or focused despite your ever-growing ideas and to-do list? Sometimes I dream of these moments. Usually it involves me on a tropical beach or hiking up a mountain. Then I wake up. Maybe you can relate. Your ideas are many and your life is full. You have purpose, plans and projects, but there is so much to do and so little time. You know the dream is real, but so is the struggle. Friend, it’s time for a powerful pause and it can happen from the oh-so exotic location of your bed, office or kitchen. In this 31-day...
Posted by Tiffany Jo Baker on 09/14/2023
What if your greatest heartbreak catapults you to your greatest growth? Jodi Rosser is no stranger to grief. She loses her best friend to pancreatic cancer, suffers a miscarriage, and endures a heartbreaking divorce. None of her stories get tied up with a red bow, yet God is faithful to bring purpose to her pain. In Depth: Growing through Heartbreak to Strength, Jodi offers hope to anyone with a hurting heart. She encourages you to discover spiritual depth as God redeems your pain. In this book, you will replace the belief that your shattered heart can never be whole with the truth that...
Posted by Jodi Snowdon (Jodi Rosser) on 09/09/2023
Are you struggling to put all the pieces together? If you are an intelligent, authentic, compassionate, creative, heart-centered, female medical professional (MD, DO, ND, DC, PA, DAc, NP, RN, APRN, resident or medical student) planning your launch into private practice, I’ve been where you are. I understand the doubt, fears, and struggle required to transform your medical practice. Perhaps you’ve taken a leap of faith and started to build your dream. Maybe you’ve already invested a lot of time, money and energy (not to mention blood, sweat and tears!) to get it off the ground....
Posted by Cynthia Libert, M.D. on 08/18/2023
Ginny gives six Biblical principles that give us hope when dealing with struggles that come our way. ...
Posted by Ginny Dent Brant on 08/18/2023
What threatens to steal your joy today? As a leader in women’s ministry, Doris Swift has counseled countless women who have forgotten their worth, question their value, and can’t find their joy. Have you been there? When the struggles of this world drain us dry and wring us out, our desert mentality becomes fertile ground for the enemy’s lies to grow. We place our trust in what we see and feel instead of in the God we know and love. The enemy may threaten to steal our joy–but the truth is, he can’t crack the code. God has infused us with his joy, his Spirit, and...
Posted by Doris Swift on 07/04/2023
Paperback Young Molly comes from a single parent home barely getting by. What they lack in material possessions, is made up by love. At school, three girls bully Molly. She struggles to understand, hurt by their actions. While she sleeps, the Lord takes Molly on a train ride in her dreams helping her see that everyone has a story. He shows her the reason behind their bullying and the meaning of forgiveness.  With God's help, forgiveness can flourish and friendships can be birthed. Hop aboard and take the train ride of forgiveness with Molly! ...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 06/22/2023
Feeling unloved? Believing you will always be alone? Struggling to connect with someone special in your life? In this book, Joan E. Murray will show you how through your faith in God, you are never alone. Discover your best companion as God guides you to overcoming your feelings of loneliness. This book is part of the Discovering God! Series. Buy a copy today and meet the One who will never leave you alone. Joan Murray is totally committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is the founder and CEO of Joan Murray Ministries and Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions. She is a minister,...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 06/20/2023