Reflect on how our lives follow a similar path as the Israelites as they walked in faith on the long journey. Learn how God was patient and merciful to grumbling and complaining while He taught them to trust. To purchase CLICK HERE ...
Eight week, in-depth Bible study in workbook format. Through this study, you will watch the budding father of a nation question God's plans, take matters into his own hand, and, at times, compromise truth. Like us, Abraham made mistakes along his journey with God. However, he learned to trust God more fully with each misstep and ultimately became a great man of faith. Through Abraham's story, you will gain a greater understanding of the covenant God made with Abraham and his descendants. You will find a greater sense of peace and security as you discover your inheritance as Abraham's...
Love Needs No Words Rachel and Mitchell both grow up in the small town of Providence, Tennessee. Their paths keep crossing and at one point it looks like they'll finally get together. But the opportunity slips away and they go their separate ways. It takes a tragedy many years later before they're reunited. This time will they let the moment pass or will they take a step of faith and trust God to work a miracle in their lives? This beautiful redemptive romance is portrayed with no dialogue, using dramatic action, breathtaking cinematography,and an incredible soundtrack of indie...
At her favorite place in the park Grace cries out after discovering what her father had done to her and at that moment, she just needed to be held. “Why, why daddy! Why did you hurt me like that! Why! I want to hate you, but I can’t! Why did you do that to me! Why, why, why did you do it? Oh, Lord, I know I need to let go and forgive. I understand what it means to forgive that itis releasing me from the hold of my abusers. I do get it, Father, that as long as I hold on to bitterness and resentment and do not forgive the ones that hurt me,...
How many times have you looked at your wayward loved one’s life and circumstances and thought – there is no hope – they are never coming back to God? There is nothing more frustrating than watching your loved ones drift away from God. But there IS hope! Don’t give up – there is something that you can do! You can PRAY and Believe God! Don’t lay down in defeat. Be determined not to leave any of your Prodigals in the kingdom of darkness! Galatians 6:9 says, that you will reap a harvest if you do not give up! In this practical, hands-on Guide, author, speaker and prayer warrior...