Discover the hopes and plans God has for your life—ones filled with purpose and impact—and not only as a Mom but as His beloved and precious daughter. Imagine: Releasing lies that hold you back and waking up with the confidence to mother without guilt or shame.Finding your best friend, the One who helps you find your heart's desires.Discovering your purpose as Mom and as daughter of the King.Being filled and led with joy, peace, love, hope, and grace.Taking care of your whole self and igniting deep connection with and faith in your children. Going through The S.O.A.R. Method Coaching...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/08/2022
"For whatever reason, two of the best faith-based films regarding nuance and complexity come from two female directors. Roman Dawson directed this year's Breakthrough , about a family struggling with the impending death of their hospitalized son. Sharon Wilharm wrote and directed Summer of 67 , a film about two sisters who struggle with their mother's suicide when they were kids, and worry over their men who've gone off to fight in Vietnam. Both of these films portray faith positively, but with sensitivity and without answering every question." ...
Posted by Sharon Wilharm on 05/30/2019
At her favorite place in the park Grace cries out after discovering what her father had done to her and at that moment, she just needed to be held. “Why, why daddy! Why did you hurt me like that! Why! I want to hate you, but I can’t! Why did you do that to me! Why, why, why did you do it? Oh, Lord, I know I need to let go and forgive. I understand what it means to forgive that itis releasing me from the hold of my abusers. I do get it, Father, that as long as I hold on to bitterness and resentment and do not forgive the ones that hurt me,...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 10/20/2017
Janet can make a beautiful book and resource table for your event, to include the following books she has written (plus THREE more exciting ones in 2018!): PrayerWalk: Becoming a Woman Prayer, Strength and Disciple (WaterBrook/RandomHouse)Daily PrayerWalk: Meditations for a Deeper Prayer Life (WaterBrook/RandomHouse)Prayer Changes Teens: How to Parent from Your Knees (WaterBrook/RandomHouse)PrayerStreaming: How to Stay in Touch with God All Day Long (WaterBrook/RandomHouse)My Prayer Buddy Devotional: For a Sisterhood of Prayer Partners (AMG)Girlfriend Gatherings: Creative Ways to Stay Connected...
Posted by Janet McHenry on 08/08/2017
“Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did!” This 10-week Bible study joins a thirsty-hearted Samaritan woman in inviting you to meet a man who looks into a woman’s heart and knows exactly what she needs. Who values women regardless of their marital status, professional skills, sexual history, or financial position. Who notices both the heroic faith of women in desperate circumstances and the quiet suffering of sisters racked by grief and chronic illness. Who invites women to work alongside Him and use their intellectual capacity to know him more fully. Who inspires women to give...
Posted by Lynn Bell Pechuekonis on 11/08/2015