Devastated by the tragic loss of his parents, young Wesley finds himself an orphan in a very unforgiving and cruel world. Forced to the streets to beg for survival, one unsuspecting day he meets a man who will change his life forever. Given the opportunity to become heir to the throne he must battle the plans of the evil sorcerer intent on destroying his life and the entire kingdom. Let your imagination soar to a land filled with kings and wizards, dragons and damsels in distress, dungeons, dwarfs and enchanted forests. Fantasy and reality meet in a suspenseful story of love, honor and courage...
Posted by Wendy Hunt on 03/29/2023
WHISPERS OF GRACE is a fresh, new year long, daily devotional for those who need to hear a word from their Father God. Over the course of many years, Wendy Hunt would come before the Lord in her quiet time and ask one question: "Lord, what do you want to say to your precious people?" Then she would listen and record the impressions He placed on her heart. This is a compilation of those impressions. Each daily entry is written as if God is speaking directly and lovingly to the heart of the reader as His beloved child...personal, tender, and comforting. These excerpts are based...
Posted by Wendy Hunt on 03/29/2023
Are you happy being you? In the podcast, Kendra is interviewed, and it covers a lot of ground. All of what is talked about has one aim: making a breakthrough in your life. The Podcast covers: Self-acceptance The question that’s challenging for successful people to answer and why it’s so hard for them to answer it. What it takes to truly make a breakthrough in your lifeObstacles we create for ourselves Creating a different path for ourselvesBuilding awareness in our lives where we're making unhealthy choices...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
Kendra Dodd speaks at the University of Northwestern-St. Paul in Minnesota. She discusses leadership and the journey God takes you to reach your leadership potential. She explains that leadership can be a verb and not a noun. She speaks about getting past ourselves and focusing on giving more to God. To seek who God is calling us to be, we are all Leaders in His eyes. We are all anointed. . I Samuel 16:6-13 ...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
Kendra Dodd speaks at the University of Northwestern-St. Paul in Minnesota. She talks about using our talents and gifts for God. She speaks about using these gifts and talents to be with God. She continues to discuss the challenges and our pathways of where God leads us. ...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
Tru sted Leader Show In this episode, David sits down with Kendra Dodd, Presenter, Coach, and Consultant, to discuss how leaders can create an environment of belonging. Show notes: Kendra's Bio: Kendra has devoted her life to creating environments of belonging, inclusiveness, and progression. She has spent over half her life speaking and encouraging others. She is a sought-after presenter, coach, and consultant regarding process improvements, culture dynamics, and personal improvement. Kendra understands the importance of development and has a passion for continuous...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
Perspectives is a guided journal to help you become a better human. In times like these, we should all work on unifying and relating to each other. This book awakens you to another level of awareness, realizing that human beings are more profound and more complex than the labels prescribed to us. This book will help you embrace what we call "bridge moments" to courageously speak up while connecting with people different from you and building a better relationship with them. Â Being understood is a basic human need. We all have a right to express our voice. Conscious efforts are needed...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
Perspectives is a guided journal to help you become a better human. In times like these, we should all work on unifying and relating to each other. This book awakens you to another level of awareness, realizing that human beings are more profound and more complex than the labels prescribed to us. This book will help you embrace what we call "bridge moments" to courageously speak up while connecting with people different from you and building a better relationship with them. ...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
Join in this inspirational talk based on F.A.I.T.H., with Speaker, Business Owner, and Life Coach, #KateDecker. F.A.I.T.H. = Being Fearless, Authentic, Inspiring, Thoughtfully Thorough, while keeping our eyes Heavenward! Check out this Interview from the Spiritual Growth Summit 2023 with #Marnie Swedberg. Coach Kate Decker is the Founder of Institute of Athletic Movement who focuses on life balance and the mind-body-spirit connection. Interested in booking Kate Decker or learning how she can help you or your organization? Email: #faith #fearless...
Posted by Kate Decker on 03/08/2023
Thirty years of failed diets, quick fixes, and disappointment was changed by RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery and a significant change in perspective. Here’s a collection of stories about how one woman went from super morbidly obese to marathon finisher one blessing at a time. ...
Posted by Regina Bartlett on 02/27/2023
Sue Bowles joins us to share how letting down our mask and being more transparent is a decision to choose courage. Sue also shares about the newly launched 'Dare to Believe Movement,' challenging the listener to answer the question 'do you believe that you matter?' ...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 02/18/2023
Learn how the acroynm P.A.U.S.E. was given to Sue and how it may work for you. Gain peace back when you P.A.U.S.E. your day. Say good-bye to swirling thoughts. Enjoy the FREE 5-Day Devotional P.A.U.S.E. for busy women . Sue is available for your women's events, Bible studies, or retreats. Let's chat more about the details, fill out this form CLICK LINK to watch YouTube 5 minute video about how the acroynm came about ...
Posted by Sue L. Hamilton on 02/06/2023