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Lauralee Bliss

Christian Speaker

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I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength

Contact Information


Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
City Church
Relationship to Church
Regularly Attends
Speaking Experience
Experienced (over 10 events)
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More About Lauralee Bliss

 I LOVE connecting women with the wilderness. I love seeing women come enjoy a  hike in God's beautiful creation,  discovering not only about God but about themselves. I have completed many long-distance trails and am one of only 25 women to hike the entire Appalachian Trail both north and south. I share my adventures as well as my relationship with God and the miracles I witnessed while in the woods.  I offer a PowerPoint presentation as well as ways to enjoy creation through the many trails offered.  I offer spiritual lessons as well as how-to hiking and backpacking workshops that allow women to safely hike in the wilderness.  I also offer a brand new children's program - "The Ranger and the Bear" where children learn to love the wilderness. I have conducted presentations to school groups, libraries, group workshops as well as outdoor retailers, the National Park Service, and outdoor organizations. Besides my hikes, I served for six years as a ridgerunner taking care of hikers on the Appalachian Trail. I am the author of twenty-five Christian novels and nonfiction, Mountains, Madness, and Miracles - 4000 miles along the Appalachian Trail chronicles my 4000 mile Appalachian Trail adventure with my teenage son as well as a solo hiker and the spiritual lessons we learned. I have also written about my adventures on the Florida Trail - Gators, Guts and Glory. 

Please check out the Speaking Programs I offer. I will travel to other states.