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Debbie Friley

Christian Speaker
Saint Petersburg Florida 33707

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"I'm Stuck! But I Want To Be Free!"

"I'm Stuck! But I Want To Be Free!"

Contact Information

Saint Petersburg, FL 33707
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Calvary Chapel St.Petersburg-Home Church~Also: Missionary with The Navigators
Relationship to Church
Missionary with
Speaking Experience
Full Time (over 20 events per year)
Fee Range
Love Offering

More About Debbie Friley

"Debbie Friley has served with The Navigators in full-time ministry since 1984. Employing her remarkable gift of Evangelism & Discipleship, Debbie has spent the past 35 years ministering to women through the message of the Gospel, one-on-one discipleship, Bible study groups and Leadership training. She is the founder of the “Salt & Light” Discipleship ministry and the Freedom Message "I'm Stuck, But I want to be Free" Her most popular message which has gone all over the world! . As a result, she has enjoyed the tremendous privilege of reproducing, training and multiplying countless spiritual daughters.

Debbie has lived in Australia with a team, where she enjoyed living among the Nationals, doing evangelism and discipleship and saw many come to Christ. As a result a wonderful church was birthed. Debbie also spent almost four years living as a missionary in Blagoveshchensk, Russia (located in the Far East in Siberia... 40 below zero weather!) as part of the Co-Mission project. During this time she taught courses in Christian Morals and Ethics in the public schools, led women's Bible studies (including one for English-speaking university students which drew many unbelievers) and assisted in establishing a church for the new believers in that city. Unable to return full time due to government restrictions, Debbie travels in and out of Blagoveshchensk on a tourist visa to continue ministering to the Russians through evangelism, discipleship, mentoring and coaching. Debbie also began in 1999 traveling to China as well and ministering to the Chinese people and also traveling to China to minister to and equip the folks there and working with underground church Leaders. Debbie spent February and March of 2006 in Scotland, Ireland, England and China taking the message of the gospel as well as introducing the "Salt & Light" Discipleship ministry to the folks there. November of 2007 she did the same in Nicaragua taking a team of women she has trained here in the U.S. to lead workshops for their International Women’s Conference where she was the main speaker. They had over 600 women signed up to attend! In addition to the conference they saw many come to Christ & the “Salt & Light” team then trained the Nicaraguan Nationals how to lead “Salt & Light” Discipleship groups. They currently have over 100 “Salt & Light” Discipleship groups meeting weekly, reading through the Bible and memorizing scripture, and studying the Bible using the Bible!

While at home in St. Petersburg, Debbie stays in close contact with her Russian friends by phone and e-mail (dfriley@mindspring.com). She also continues her involvement in outreach, Bible studies, Biblical Counseling 1-1 with gals, leadership training and speaking engagements. This includes "I'm Stuck, but I Want to be Free" a powerful message from the book of Romans and Galatians as well as the “Salt & Light” Discipleship Groups, where many groups are meeting weekly to read through the entire Bible at their own pace, memorizing scripture and studying books of the Bible as a team. They meet as a team because as Debbie says as she references Ecclesiastes 4:9-11 “we are better together”. The “Salt & Light groups continue to multiply and grow all over the USA and abroad contributing to the fulfillment of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 and 2 Timothy 2:2. This ministry is truly a work of God. She welcomes any newcomers. Enjoy checking out her web page www.saltandlightgroup.com . The “Salt & Light” Discipleship ministry is now in Russia, China, England, Scotland, Nicaragua, Canada, Peru, Germany & many places in Florida as well as many places in the U.S.A. Debbie also is a speaker at large and travels all over the U.S.A. & the world bringing the Truth of God's Word. Debbie worships and ministers at Calvary Chapel when she is not ministering in her hometown in the city of St.Petersburg, Fl., or somewhere ministering in the U.S. or overseas. Debbie is available to introduce the “Salt & Light” Discipleship ministry and coach the leadership to begin small groups. And available to teach The Message of the Cross, a “how to”: I’m Stuck, but I want to be Free.” She is also available to do conferences as well as workshops. Among some of the topics included are:

Conferences or Workshops:

  1. "Running away from your Problems is a race you will never win"
  2. “Where Do I Begin?” (Pure and simple devotion to Christ)
  3. “I’m Stuck But I Want to be Free (Romans 12:2 “…Let God transform you by changing the way you think.”)  MOST POPULAR WORKSHOP!!!!!!!!!
  4. “He’s Just Waiting for you to ask” (Prayer)
  5. “Out of the Darkness, into His marvelous Light” (Learning to write a Personal Testimony)
  6. “I love to tell the story” (Practicing sharing your personal testimony)
  7. “I’m Willing to share the gospel, I just don’t know how?” (Witnessing)
  8. “Ministering out the abundance of your Relationship with the Father” (Lifestyle Evangelism)
  9. Now…“Where was that again?”(Scripture Memory)
  10. “I Just don’t know what to say” (How to counsel using the Bible)
  11. “Help! How do I keep my priorities straight?” (The Balanced Christian Life)
  12. “It takes one to make one” (Discipleship)
  13. “Oh Come Let Us Adore Him” (Worship)
  14. "A Perfect Marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other"
  15.  "When you feel like you are drowning in Life, don't worry, your Lifeguard Walks on Water"
For relaxation Debbie enjoys photography, developing her business of making photo cards called “Worth a Thousand words” (Prayed for Pictures) and a Calligraphy business called “Life Giving Words” where she pens words from the scriptures to go with her beautiful photo cards. When Debbie is not doing this, you may find her, playing her guitar, perhaps at the beach or hanging out with her beloved nieces and nephews.


Mission Organization: The Navigators P.O. Box 6000 Colorado Springs, CO 80934
e-mail: dfriley@mindspring.com
Web Page:  www.saltandlightgroup.com 

Home Church: Calvary Chapel Saint Petersburg www.ccstpete.com