Submitted by The Potters House Church Of God on Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024
Mina Raulston speaks to an issue of our culture that often times lies hidden beneath compounded and multiplied wounds of untold numbers of hurting people. Out of the depth of her own experience and understanding, she gives hope to those who suffer in the shadows of shame. Home Should Be Safe is a relevant answer to the hopeless bondage that so many live in daily. Mina provides relevant and practical insights that unveil and uncover this plague of our day while providing a path to healing to those who have suffered the sting of domestic violence.
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Submitted by Jersey Baptist Church, Pataskala, OH on Monday, Apr 15, 2024
I really thought when I invited Mina to speak to our Celebrate Recovery Group about domestic violence that I would gain very little personally. I was absolutely, unequivocally mistaken! I was able to recognize a form of domestic violence in my own life that had never occurred to me. Now I will begin the healing process. Thank you Mina. As a group we learned so much and appreciate you sharing with us.
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Submitted by Freelance Writer on Saturday, Oct 31, 2015
I have had the honor of serving as editor of Mina Raulston's book "Home Should be Safe." It is an excellent resource for anyone who is experiencing or knows someone who is experiencing domestic violence or abuse of any kind. It is thoughtful, Godly, well-researched, and well-written. As a former victim of abuse, Mina writes about this topic with compassion and conviction. I have also had the honor of hearing Mina speak on this topic, and can endorse her as a speaker as well. At the meeting I attended, Mina's speech was riveting and the audience was totally absorbed and interested in the information she conveyed. The scope and effects of abuse are not widely known and Mina does an excellent job explaining what abuse is, and how a person can help someone who has been abused. I highly recommend the book, as well as Mina as a writer and speaker.� December 28, 2009
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