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Olethia B. Richburg

Christian Speaker
Pikesville Maryland 21208

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Always is like never, it's almost always never true ~ Olethia B. Richburg

Always is like never, it's almost always never true ~ Olethia B. Richburg

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Pikesville, MD 21208
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
New Antioch Baptist Church of Randallstown
Relationship to Church
Member of
Speaking Experience
Just Starting (0-9 events)
Fee Range
Love Offering

More About Olethia B. Richburg

Olethia is an avid movie buff and lover of people who enjoys sharing stories from every day people about everyday people. Her passion for teaching, coaching, mentoring and encouraging young people, women in particular, to find and follow their passion for service is what motivates her. She is a devoted wife of twenty-plus years, mother and grandmother. Olethia loves to entertain, cook, read and spend time with family. Her in-your-face method is passionate with a combination of wit, compassion, and love in its delivery. She is specifically tasked to speak the truth to women about their role of "wife" as unpopular as it can be in love, and ask the hard questions with determination and hope of conviction. Always at the forefront is  "what can I do in my marriage that will cause another wife to stay in her marriage and ultimately point someone towards Christ."