Submitted by BFCOG on 11/07/2019
Gina is a true Woman if God and seeks Him in every aspect of her life. She steps out in obedience when God asks her to (even when it’s scary and difficult). I had the privilege of attending Pioneer Ministries First Ladies retreat that was held at a Camp Challenge in Bedford, IN. God showed up in big and mighty ways that weekend, chains were broken and hearts were healed. If you are looking to put together a retreat or need a speaker for an event, I would highly recommend Gina Sullivan. She shares her personal life experiences and how God has worked in her life and how he continues to work.
The first time I heard Gina’s testimony, I knew she had a story to share with hurting women. I feel God want’s to use this mighty Godly women for his kingdom. Gina let’s God’s light shine through her Christian walk and helps women around her be better women of God. I have been so lucky to attend Gina’s Bible Studies & her wonderful retreat this fall and have grown because of her teachings. Love this Christian lady & can’t wait to see where he will take her in her future.
Submitted by Bedford First Church Of God on 09/18/2024
Gina Sullivan is an amazing speaker. Gina is real; gentle with difficult issues while using wisdom and truth from Gods Word to reveal answers of grace and hope
Submitted by Novels By Nellotie Author/speaker/leader on 03/06/2024
Gina Sullivan as amazing women with a heart from the Lord. The thing I love most about Gina is that she is so biblical and isn’t afraid to share how she really feels. Life can be hard and she knows that. And she wants other women to know that. She wants us to bring this to the surface and then take the Bible and learn how to lean on the Lord through these hardships. She has been a mentor and friend to me for years. You definitely want her at events. She is God fearing women and her voice should be heard to encourage others. I love her passion and heart for the Lord and sharing the gospel.
Submitted by Christian Friend on 04/20/2023
Gina’s faith and passion for Christ is contagious. She is humble, heartfelt, and makes you feel like you’re talking to your best friend. Her story is inspiring and will leave an impression on everyone who hears her message.
Submitted by Traders Point Christian Church on 11/12/2019
Gina has been a true blessing in my life. She is very open and honest about her life experiences and I instantly felt connected to her through those. Gina is loving and kind and will give it to you straight. You can sense her deep love for the Lord every time she speaks. She has taught me many lessons over the short time that I have known her and I am truly blessed to call her my friend and sister in Christ.
Submitted by Bedford First Church Of God on 11/07/2019
Gina is a wonderful Devotional true Christian Lady after Gods heart....She has truly devoted her life to help women in need, no matter thier background of life.....She has surrendered all to to be obedient to our wonderful Savior & redeemer....Yr truly missing out , if you dont use her life to reach others.....thankd Gina for being uou!!!
Submitted by Bedford First Church Of God on 11/07/2019
Gina is the most down to earth, real woman I know. I can go to her with my prayer requests, struggles and victories and have full comfort in knowing my words stay with her and go straight to her war room for prayer. I’ve never met someone I trust so much not only with my struggles but I know she will continually hold me accountable with the word of God.
Submitted by Worshipping Jesus on 11/06/2019
Gina is an evoking teacher. She brings the bible to life with thought provoking, down to earth examples.
Submitted by The World on 11/06/2019