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Linda Keller Recommendations

Submitted by Linda Keller on 09/30/2024

Lynnette Jackson

On Topic

Linda Keller is a wonderful Christian Event speaker. She has common sense understanding of the Bible, and can explain that understanding in a FUN and honest manner. She is open and thoughtful and loves the Lord with her whole self. She comes across in a heart warming way. I have been to a conference where she spoke, as well as at a jail speaker's dinner, and also at her own mother's memorial service. My heart was touched at each event in a wonderful way. Lover her!

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Cindy Jensen

I have enjoyed many of Linda Keller's talks and have been encouraged, surprised, educated, and inspired. I have often found myself in a variety of reactions from laughter to tears because of her wit, sense of humor, incredible research and biblical knowledge. Her use of both interesting facts and anecdotes never fail to capture my undivided attention.

Submitted by Linda Keller on 09/30/2024

Lisa Stavas

Linda Keller is a passionate and fun speaker. She is prepared to bring you something fabulous. Her sense of humor and real life experiences along with her knowledge of God's word will leave you laughing and challenged at the same time. She will not disappoint.

Submitted by Linda Keller on 09/30/2024

Cheryl Baker

Linda is so engaging. She brings God's word and His creation to you in a unique way. Her presentation will having you say to yourself, "I never thought about that." And she is fun!

Submitted by Linda Keller on 09/30/2024