You are Beautiful and You are Worthy!
Location |
Kansas City, MO
Tonya Rawlings is an inspiring Christian, Speaker, Author, and Coach; affectionately known as The Queen of Transformation. For the past 20 years, Tonya has been helping women transform their lives through the grace of God.
On stages big and small, Tonya shares a powerful message titled You Are Altogether Beautiful where she challenges women to redefine their beauty from a Biblical perspective and to see themselves through the eyes of Jesus, the Maker of all things Beautiful.
Tonya teaches them how to:
Discover they are God's beautiful Masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10)
Overcome body image struggles (1 Corinthians 3:16)
Honor God with their body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
And present their body to God in a way that is Holy and Pleasing to Him (Romans 12:1)
Women can walk away with a whole new perspective on who they are in Christ.
Tonya is also the author of Unmask Your Inner Beauty a creative Bible Study on the Book of Esther. Queen Esther was beautiful, but she had a secret. She was hiding her true identity from the king and the world. Unmask Your Inner Beauty explores Queen Esther's journey from hiding in fear to showing the world who she really is without shame or condemnation.
Here are a few shameless facts about Tonya...
When Tonya's not speaking or writing another book, you can find In her home near Kansas City Missouri, watching classic TV shows with her hubby Mark or attempting her hand at some DIY project (key word "attempting").
She was born with Congenital Cataracts and as a kid she wore really thick glasses that magnified her eyes really big. For this reason other kids called her "Bug Eyes."
She loves watching YouTube videos, eating Mexican food, and the smell of freshly popped popcorn.
She is socially awkward, hates talking on the phone, and can't cook.
She is the youngest of 8 siblings, mom of 3 amazing kids, and "Gaga" to 7 adorable grandbabies.
She describes herself as a total Jesus Freak with a sense of childlike awe and wonder.
And lastly, she gives God glory for all the many many many blessings in her life.