Do you feel that your church needs a renewed sense of direction? How does your mission empower and equip your vision? Using a facilitator can ease the burden of navigating either the...
Energize your congregation, women of faith, and teens to LOVE OUTLOUD! Love compassionately, humbly, graciously, and much more. How different this world could be if all people loved...
Awaken your congregation, women of the church, and teens to draw near to God and become the somebody that makes a difference. Help your new believers grow in understanding as to what's...
Sometimes “standing by your man” can be unbelievably difficult. Even Tammy Wynette knew it back in 1968. Kelly looks at how our reactions can support or weaken our husbands...
Perfect for church services and adult/teen Sunday school on/near Life Sunday. Even the seemingly unforgivable is forgivable. Christ's love and forgiveness is form the path to healing,...