Kathryn McAdam is a Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner, Christian Speaker and vibrant host of the Unstoppable Joy Podcast. Come experience Jesus in a transformative way as Kathryn...
Peace can be experienced, even now with information overload spiraling out of control, and culture growing louder and scarier! We don't need more information, we need to learn...
Beyond your wildest desires, Jesus is MORE. He is the One who is able to move in ways that we cannot even fathom. Why are we not living IN the immeasurably more of His love? Many who...
Your history is intended, by God, to serve as a personalized tool for leading others to Christ. Explore the safety, healing, and wholeness forgiveness offers, as Jesus wipes your slate...
This simple and beloved Psalm expresses powerfully and beautifully David's confidence in God's purpose for him and the meaning of his life. This lesson is inductive; meaning from the...